Im getting.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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another greyhound!!!

I was in the vets this morning dropping my cat and dog off for spaying and I bumped into the woman that I got mia off and she said she had tried calling me a while back as she had a another dog for me cat trained and all - gutted to say the least!

Then in the same sentence she tells me she has mias brother danny! who need a home.

I gave her a bell earlier and shes sending him into cat training and when hes done shes going to give us a bell and were going to see him :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Looks like il have 2 scounging doggies for chrsitmas dinner.

So excited il have siblings from the same litter :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I know, im so excited that she will have her brother with her.

Will they know each other after all this time!?
Awww yay!!!!

Hope they get on. Id love a house of greyhounds :lol:

Did Mia have a tattoo?
awwww thats fab news and so exciting,they will love having each other.dont forget to post piccies :D
I wont. Hes gone off today for cat training and I will meet him in a week.

Do you think they will know each other? being siblings from the same litter, is there a smell they will recognise???

Wheres sherlock or hennaly when you need them!
Im really excited about it.

Have had a poop day so that will be my happy thought for the week.
Aw thats great news hun, they will enjoy having each other. Not sure if they will know each other TBH :think:

I am dogless now and will not be getting another one. Was allergic to Scampi so she has went to live with a vet who has a pug. She is very happy....I'm not :cry:
Snuggle said:
Aw thats great news hun, they will enjoy having each other. Not sure if they will know each other TBH :think:

I am dogless now and will not be getting another one. Was allergic to Scampi so she has went to live with a vet who has a pug. She is very happy....I'm not :cry:

Oh no mate i am so sorry :( when did this happen?
Aww another doggy!! congrats :cheer: :cheer:

I dont think they will know each other after all this time but i am sure it wont take long for them to get to know each other again.
Awe lovely for you and them :)

And no they won't remember each other like that. Even if they had stayed together they would have a bond but would not treat each other any different from other dogs.
awwww how fab
we would love a greyhound but we only have a small flat
also we have 2 cats, are greyhounds good with cats after training?
indie78 said:
awwww how fab
we would love a greyhound but we only have a small flat
also we have 2 cats, are greyhounds good with cats after training?

Ive had no problems, if any thing the cat goes for thr dog!
Great news. I'll look forward to seeing some pics.

My greyhound cross could do with some cat training :lol:
Morning hun :wave:
I really pleased for you, if they were seperated as pups they wont know eachother but that doesnt mean they wont bond.
My 2 dogs are like an old married couple, im dreading the day anything happens to either one of them as they are so close.
Lots of piccies please :D
I will do im so excited, his name is Danny but we are going to call him danny boy.

Got a excellent quote on insurance for them too, rock on tescos. :D

Going to see him when Mias recovered from her spaying, though yesterday you wouldnt of known she had been done lol.

Loopy daft thing!

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