Absolutely gutted Massive update page 1

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for mia

you gave danny a lovely home and you tried to make things work,its not your fault and its not dannys fault sometimes things just dont work out.we got kiara a young dog last year,he was a rescue but my bitch really hated him and did the same as danny.it broke kiaras heart but we had to let the dog go back to rescue.sometimes things just dont work out.
Don't blame yourself, you've tried so hard to get him settled. He might just need a home with no other dogs or kids.
You're definately doing the right thing rehoming him, next time it might be the kids he bites :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG that looks nasty :( Poor Mia!

You are doing the right thing hun no matter how hard it seems. Hopefully a family with no kids who can help him release his energy etc will take him in :hug:
LilysMummy said:
OMG that looks nasty :( Poor Mia!

You are doing the right thing hun no matter how hard it seems. Hopefully a family with no kids who can help him release his energy etc will take him in :hug:

I know i am, but it hurts like hell. He still aint been collected yet :shock:

I hope there taking care of her at the vets!
Oh my, thats quite a wound. Your defo doing the right thing rehoming him. Even if he was playing, thats too much.
Hope your going to be ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know im doing the right thing. Thank you for being so supportive :hug:

Im feeling lots better about it then i did last night.
Glad you are feeling better :hug:

Suprised they havent come and got him though :? Thought they would have been straight round
I just wanted to send you, mia and danny lots of hugs.
I'd definately do the same if it was me and lulu and another pup. As sad as it is.
Millions of hugs, hope mia's ok. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I work for the RGT rehoming the dogs and very occasionally have a dog returned to us for various reasons, including snapping at children. We just make sure that the new home know about what happened and that the dog will be in a very quiet home.

I have a foster dog in my care at the moment, he was returned because he growled at a child. He goes to his forever family at the beginning of March, they have no children. So, rehoming can be done.

I know it's easy to say but try not to feel guilty about it. I think most people in your position would do the same.
AlisonB said:
I work for the RGT rehoming the dogs and very occasionally have a dog returned to us for various reasons, including snapping at children. We just make sure that the new home know about what happened and that the dog will be in a very quiet home.

I have a foster dog in my care at the moment, he was returned because he growled at a child. He goes to his forever family at the beginning of March, they have no children. So, rehoming can be done.

I know it's easy to say but try not to feel guilty about it. I think most people in your position would do the same.

If my oh hadnt of put his foot down he would still be with me now. I cannot put into words how much I love my dogs and how much im missing danny already. I begged my husband to change his mind and he wouldnt.
Could you not go down to the rehoming centre to see him and walk him. Then you might be able to see who his new family will be. Or would that be too hard on you? I can imagine how hard it is on you. I am dreading having to give my foster dog over to his forever family even though he harrasses the rabbits.

It can't have been an easy decision for your oh either. Try not to resent him for it. Danny will be kept safe with the RGT. Which branch is he with?

I'm sorry to hear this Sarah, I know how much you tried with Danny and you loved him very much. You have did the right thing and Danny will be rehomed somewhere lovely soon I'm sure :hug: :hug:
AlisonB said:
Could you not go down to the rehoming centre to see him and walk him. Then you might be able to see who his new family will be. Or would that be too hard on you? I can imagine how hard it is on you. I am dreading having to give my foster dog over to his forever family even though he harrasses the rabbits.

It can't have been an easy decision for your oh either. Try not to resent him for it. Danny will be kept safe with the RGT. Which branch is he with?


I cant go down there Alison, Il start blubbing again. Hes with barbara at the wisbech branch and shes a fantastic and finds homes for loads of dogs. She said hes being trained all over for a week and to make sure hes cat trained, then she said she had several people waiting for dogs that are cat trained.

I know he will be looked after as barbara is fab.

Thanks Snuggle - off shortly to pick Mia up and bring her home and lavish love on her!!!
I am pleased that he is in good hands.

I hope Mia makes a fast recovery.

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