im feeling ewwwy... what effects you??


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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hiya.. well.. there goes me not having any morning sickness!!

started bang on 6 weeks 4days (from when i think we concieved ) which was saturday..just feeling yucky.. not been sick.. almost.. but havent happens with smells with me? yesterday i had tuna pasta (left overs) some potato salad and coldslaw and half a cold jacket pot i ate a bit of it.. say a side plate full.. and put it on the table by the sofa.. went to get a drink and came bk and the smell of the food on the plate was seriously effecting me.. i took it out and scraped it in the bin and was heaving as i could smell it!! then i could only eat a small crisp roll for the rest of the day..i just went to get milk out of the fridge and theres a bowl of tuna pasta in there.. omg!! hit me again.. thats me done for the day now.. feeling yucky!! eww!

what effects you?
everything bar yogurts and chocolate milk from tescos at the moment... am forcing little bits of fruit and stuff down me but not enjoying it.. food has suddenly become a chore rather than an enjoyment.... :puke:
All i can seem to manage at the moment is a bowl of All bran for brekkie... Tomato soup for lunch then for dinner.. it depends... felt like burgers on Sunday.. so i made them just how i like them.. took one bite and started heaving..... :-(
Also the same if i try and eat cheese at the moment.. my fav food in the whole wide world...
Bad smells lol
Getting hungry

Are the main things that set me off. I find lemomade helps me feel abit better.
Oh there are too many to list!! But mine has passed a little and isnt so intense now so had a little break....hope it carries on! :puke:
Bad smells such as traffic fumes, cigarette smoke, bleach and toilets are making me retch at the moment. I suspect, therefore, that morning sickness is going to arrive any day now!
oooo i love bleach!!:)

ive just made lasagne from scratch a big one and a big cottage pie.. so thats meals till the weekend.. save me cooking.. ive got a mummy head on lol.. last week i did cottage pie and chillie (cottage pies hubbys fav - easy to take to work) and beforelast week the last time i coocked a meal was like 4 months ago lol..
i figure if i get a day that i feel ok then cook my little heart out coz i really cant cook any other day finding that the only things that help me feel better are.. fruit.. especially strawberrys n pineapple.oo and satsumas!! yumm.. and chewing gum..? must be the mint but it really helps the sicky feelings im just wondering if i can stomach lasagne and potato wedges tonight.. im kinda fancying fish finger sandwiches with salad cream! mmm..
mmm fish finger sandwiches and salad cream.. can i come to yours for tea? :rotfl:
Absolutely everything but especially toothpaste and toothbrushing. I :puke: every time without fail :(
im not too bad this time its been more strong smells of coffee or strong perfume :shock:

really like smell of petrol so far :oops:
lol. i ended up having 2 big helpings of lasagne.. might be having fish finger sarnys for lunch i still need them lol..i hate feeling sick.. its here again this morning..but it shows a good healthy pregnancy.. so the sicker you are the better i suppose.. im just glad im not being sick.. well not yet 7 weeks today!! whohow.. im half way through 1st tri.. teehehe only 5 weeks till my scan. and a week till my 1st mw appt..hopefully we will hear the heartbeat :D cant wait..
i cant say anythings set me off being sick wise, but i have been feeling nauseous, im hoping i wont get sickness as i have a pretty strong stomache! but eating anything makes me feel nauseous and so does feeling hungry, i've even been getting proper hunger pangs which is very unusual for me! ive got a feeling that having an indoor cat (litter tray) and a new puppy (bad timing i know, didnt expect to conceive so quickly!) doing their business is gona do it for me if i do get sickness bad lol the smell of pups wee already makes me heave!
We're definitely finding that my husband needs to change the litter tray more often now, as the smell makes me retch. Unfortunately they need to have a litter tray as we have no garden currently (hoping to persuade my husband to move on that score and to be nearer friends and family - so either Leeds/Huddersfield basically).

No actual sickness yet, touch wood. But I'm sure it's coming!

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