dysco - a bit random, but I'm doing A-levels in Chemistry and Biology and hoping to go to med school in a year or two as a mature student, but not sure if that's all a rush of blood to the head!! I always wanted to be a doctor when I was younger, and I have a wobble about it every few months, as I ended up doing something very different at uni but I've just thought stuff it, it's now or never! Has huge implications for TTC in the future timings wise, but have decided to just run with it and see what happens.......
I so wish I could go for runs - I am so rubbish I give up the minute I start to get bored or out of puff!!! Must try harder! xx
I so wish I could go for runs - I am so rubbish I give up the minute I start to get bored or out of puff!!! Must try harder! xx