I'm currently feeling ...

dysco - a bit random, but I'm doing A-levels in Chemistry and Biology and hoping to go to med school in a year or two as a mature student, but not sure if that's all a rush of blood to the head!! I always wanted to be a doctor when I was younger, and I have a wobble about it every few months, as I ended up doing something very different at uni but I've just thought stuff it, it's now or never! Has huge implications for TTC in the future timings wise, but have decided to just run with it and see what happens.......

I so wish I could go for runs - I am so rubbish I give up the minute I start to get bored or out of puff!!! Must try harder! xx
ooh good luck with those! i interview ucas student for our Mpharm course. i actually think uni is quite a good time to have an LO if you can find the child care. but getting through the latter stages of med school is tough for everyone! good luck!
Kanga I think you should get that puppy that you were thinking. It will keep you busy taking care of it and training it, keep you company when oh is not home and also get you more it as you will walk it at least twice per day.

I hope th sun is brighter today for you :hug:
That's does sound like a fab idea, really need to see what the bank balance is like at payday on Friday. Hopefully it is good then I can get a puppy at the weekend. :) xx
its much easier to get exercise when you have a dog, cos something is forcing you out the door anyway, gizmo loves it when we take him on runs! hope the bank balance looks favourable this week :) xxx
a little off topic (sorry kanga) but dysco can you please tell me how hard is to keep the house clean with a puppy? i really want a puppy but i am afraid that i will not be able to keep up with the cleaning.
now i know that you have some help with cleaning but generally speaking how much is the mess? (assuming that the puppy already is trained to pee outside).
i suppose it depends on the puppy too, like if it has long hair, chewing things, dirty paws all over etc?
Well i am well excited, just been told from work that they did mess up my ssp so should get extra pennies in my account this Friday :yay: just got to persuade oh now :) xxx
Gizmo is short haired and we have a dog flap so he pees outside. So actually there is little to no mess. From now of with more rain it will mean muddy footprints in the kitchen, nothing a quick mop in the evening can't sort out and he doesn't poo in the back garden, only in the park so again, nothing to clear up. He did tread in something, probably cat or fox poo this weekend which meant cleaning all the covers on the sofa, but that has only happened twice in 1 year. Getting a trained rescue dog like we did is less work, he was 4 years old when we got him and had been neglected but generally cared for well when he was younger. What I can say is that we invested in some classes and that was a great thing to do cos that helped us train him, weren't expensive and we got to meet other dog owners in the area. Dog walking so soooo sociable, you just get to chat to people cos you see them regularly if walk the m at the same time every day.

So time cleaning up isn't really a concern, it takes minutes or less every day. Cost wise a small dog like giz, costs us about £5 a week in food, £8 a month for insurance, and we spoil him with good dry food mixed with half a tin of sardines cos he gets really dry skin. He often has left overs as a treat too so again we don't need to buy treats. Time wise he gets 2 20 min walks a day during the week and longer ones at weekends. We take him out to make sure he doesn't poo in the garden and that means just having poo bags on us but easily cleaned up. He's my first dog and i thought it was going to be loads of work but he hasn't been. I think key is getting a short haired dog, long haired tend to shed and require more grooming etc. Hope that helps, wouldn't be without him now :) xxx
I'm currently feeling ... Like I want to curl up in a ball and cry! :cry: the stress of waiting for AF or a bfp is really getting to me, wish I never tested early at all cos now I can't stop and I'm getting myself down about it. I'm also feeling abit crap this evening got a headache, sore throat and stuffy nose. Hope tomorrow day with be better as get to play with my new washing machine. Xx
Hugs Kanga,
I have a stiking cold, and cols sore so feeling pretty rough myself too.
Your BFP will come. xxxxx
The stupid witch arrived today, 2 days early! :cry: xx
next month kanga!!!
i have read on the internet loads about the benefits of drinking raspberry leaf tea and its actually really nice!!
I didnt think I liked it but I love it! Apparently if you alternate it (dif days) with Red Clover Blossom tea - it is super duper for all your lady bits and baby making stuff and really boosts fertility!!!
Im gonna go but some red clover later today!! xxxx
awww noooo, i hate the witch. When should i be expecting my witch after MC? i stopped bleeding about a week ago
They usually say 3 weeks after u stop bleeding to expect AF. Xx

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