I'm Bored

Well, got some spotting so I guess she's here. In a way it is a relief, I'm bugged at how long my cycle is this month - 36 days! Maybe it was all the temp watching and stressing. I'm going to really let my hair down over Christmas and New Year. Now my first full cycle is recorded I at least have something to compare with.

Hope you guys are more successful

Sorry Becs, had my fingers crossed for you.

How long are your cycles normally?
i dunno bout my temp ! never seen a proper flat line like i just had lol , my opk have been negative so far , we did bd last night tho as ive not felt right down there , been a bit crampy and stuff so didd just in case lol his now on late shift till xmas day tho , good job im off , will ahve to get him in morning if i ovualte !
It seems my cycles are a bit all over the place chellieboo. I was 29, 33 and now 36. For some reason though FF correctly predicted AF would come today.

Hope they regulate a bit. i am going to try vitex this month as that is supposed to help regulate cycles.

Lets see :think:
I had a look at that vitex stuff and also some stuff called ovulex that was mentioned. Think I'll jsut stick to folic acid, zinc for OH and magic meds when I remember for now.

still feeling crampy on and off today...if she's coming I wish she'd just get on with it rather than making me miserable for a few days before hand as well. I'm almost tempted to test cos I figure that'll make her appear (she seems to love to wind you up lol).
oh nooooooo just did another opk , and its nearly poss , fairly dark but not the same colour ! cant beleive it cos yesterday nothing ! and guess what weve not bd today ! who's thinking im waiting up till 1am till his home and jump him , poor sod ! oh god im a wreck :wall: im nervous , so so norvous cos this is it last chance b4 i have to have surgery , ive got no cm yet tho , so i guess im not ov yet , and ive been on magic meds his month so guessing i should have loads !
don't worry too much G3m some people have a fade-in pattern for a day or so before they actually ovulate!
Well the old bats decided to come for christmas!!! Oh well roll on next month!!
At least I know my luteal phase is consistent at 12 days for both cycles that I've charted..although my cycles seem to be getting progressively shorter..
32 then 31 and this one 29 days. I guess that might be good in a way it means having to wait less time till ovulation! I just hope it doesn't signify any problems (cycles always seem to have ranged from 28 days to my longest at 40 days).

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