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That does sound like a not so nice experience, but so glad evie is 3/5th engaged. Hoping you have to not go for another sweep and you are in labour tomorrow :) Fingers crossed for you... :hug:
That trainee sounds like he shouldn't be let loose on live people!!!

Hope the sweep does the trick hun!! :pray:
You poor thing :hug: What a stupid trainee doctor. You did the right thing by saying she was wrong, good on yer :clap:
Hope the sweep does the trick for you hun. My fingers and toes are crossed for you :pray:
:hug: :hug:
You poor thing! Well done for sticking up for yourself though!

I am so excited about your labour thread being started -I keep telling Matt that i'm just logging on to see how you are! He sends labour dust too.

OMG what a bloody useless trainee :|. Really hope the sweep works and she makes her way on her own really soon :hug:
God what a nightmare, you should complain about that Dr. :evil:

Very glad Evie is facing the right way and coming into position - roll on Friday! Hope the sweep starts something off beforehand - goodluck! :hug: :hug:
Got everythin crossed for you honey :pray: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxx
I hope things start to move for you now you have had the sweep hun. It won't be long either way now though until you are meeting your LO :D

Roll on Friday then hun!! :cheer:

Hopefully wont be long till you meet Miss Evie now :cheer:

sorry Dr was a pain :roll: they have no consideration for us emotional, pregnant women :lol:


ooooooh im soooo excited for you hunny!! :cheer:
Yay.. at least you got somewhere by sticking up for yourself, well done!!! :clap:
Good luck for Friday, (or before if it happens naturally) Im sure everything will go really well for you xxxx :hug:
God, I remember I had an appointment with a consultant as well as my MW once and the consultant didn't even bother showing up. Just phoned and said 'she isn't getting induced!'. At least Evie is now 3/5 engaged!! Aimee wasnt engaged at all when I got induced so you never know, Miss Evie might decide to come out by herself!! :cheer: :hug:

dannii87 said:
Oh & just to add... I don't know if this is normal, but my sweep felt like she stuck her fingers up my BUM and not my VAGINA!! :shock: Oh god, I hope she got the right hole lol! :pray:

:rotfl: :rotfl: That is what my sweep felt like. I needed to fart as well. Didn't help much! :roll:
oh huni....thats great news......all i can say is sleep all the way up to induction!!! sleep sleep sleep :)

my baby sleeps like a dream, but its still insane how tired you feel!

That was funny about the right hole :rotfl: when i first tried tampons when really young thats what i did, got the wrong hole, so i have to say it's easily done :rotfl:

Good luck and cant wait to see what evie looks like, I know already she'll be a right bonny baby if she takes after her mum :hug:
Sorry the appointment didnt go to well,.... :hug:

Hope the sweep gets things started for you and Evie makes her way out here!! :hug: :D
Yay for Evie being more engaged!! :dance: Sending you my left over ***Labour Dust*** xx

Edit- Sorry the star colours pattern dont match :wall: ahh baby brain strikes again!
So sorry to hear your appt didn't go well, what a muppet that trainee was!!

Good Luck for Fri!! Let's hope things start moving for you soon! xxx :hug:

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