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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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had my d and c early this morning the waiting was torture cause all I kept thinking about was hot chocolate and croissants and i was STARVING!!

The lady who was helping was preggie and she said she was trying to hide it, i didnt mind i even asked when she was due she also said she had miscarriages (2) in between both her pregnancies.

Got into the room and they give me the anestetic it made my arm feel horrible and that was the last thing I remember, i woke up feeling pretty emotional, not because of what happened but because i felt a bit lost and overwhelmed and had nasty crampy tummy!

After a few hours I went home, had a cheese n onion toastie and headed to bed.

I don't feel sad, a bit moody but not sad just so RELIVED!! We're having a chinese tonight and im downloading new episodes of ANTM and prison break which will cheer me right up.

thanks again for the support im off to flake on the sofa before hubby smacks me for being on the pc and not resting...

Oh big p.s they took my bloods and are doing an investigation into my miscarriages as i have had three now wont know for another 6 weeks but not goig to be ttc for a good while now so i can heal up.

aww hun yours sounds just like mine horrid when you cant eat aint it :D
glad it all went well and they are looking into your losses for you
nice to see you are thinking possitive aswell
take care of yourself
manda xx
can't think of anything more to say than well done for being so brave
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
hope you are doing ok you seem to have a good dh taking care of you :hug:

I remember that fasting feeling it actually took my mind of the hole thing about being there as all i could think about was food, and i had dh warned to have 2 mc'ds cheeseburgers waiting for me, and they were the best burgers i ever had.

Its good they were on the ball with taking bloods, take care and keep us posted on you are doing.
I'm glad it all went okay for you :hug: You're so strong and positive. Great news about the investigations, I hope they can find the cause and give you a solution.
I am glad you're ok honey, I hope they find out what is causing your mc and get you sorted asap!!!
Lots of hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

Glad you have nice food :)

Not having my morning cup of coffee nor any decent coffee in the hosp was annoying to me.
I'm glad to hear it went well and there were no complications hun... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Get loads of rest, eat loads of cr*p for the next few days, live in your PJs and generally get your self well... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm glad it went ok and that they're looking into things this time. :hug:

Rest up and get well - and have a lovely chinese meal!

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