Im Back!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Hey Ladies,

Long time no speak hehe, We finally moved into our flat last Wednesday and all has been fine, adjusting to life without my Mum here is a tad hard though but I’m coping quite well I think. Got hooked up to the Internet on Friday so I’m back :cheer: , have missed reading posts and seeing how everyone is. Hope all is well with everyone, I’ve been so busy sorting things out, Me & OH went out for the first time since Harrison has been born on Friday night to his works Christmas do, I got a bit TOO drunk, we stayed in a hotel that night and next morning I ended up throwing up outside Liverpool street station :puke: (first time in 10 yrs!!) lovely haha had a lovely day Sunday, took Harry to see Santa and got a piccy :D (will post soon) but it ended in tears when I came on here to have a nose and saw the post about Olan Mills; we had our piccys done with them on the 29th of November and were suppose to be receiving them this week, I spent £180 and its not losing the money that’s upset me the most its knowing that I’m never gonna have them piccys of Harrison again, it was our one chance and he’s growing so quick we wanted to get them done whilst he was still young!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Anyways sorry to bore you to tears with my moaning,
Congratulations for new arrivals and those who have received their BFP :cheer:

hey hey, welcome back!!

tis a shame about the Olan Mills bust, Amanda had the same thing :(

glad the flats worked out and everythin, is it in good condition??

lol@the throwing up, ur bodys gotta get used to the drink again!! :lol:

hope harrys ok, put up more piccys soon!!
welcome back. dont think ive spoke to you before.

im sorry about your piccies :(
Hey Mica :hug:

Good to hear your settling in well babes, you will get used to it in time, its a big thing moving out for the first time.

Glad your back with us, sorry to hear about the pictures, like you said its more the memories you would have had from them than the money, money can be replaced but time cant! :hug:

Hope Harrison is doing well, you must show us some piccies soon :cheer:
Thanks everyone. The flats great thanks Mummykay, its just been built so its in great condition just a bit dusty where the floors haven't been sealed but we will be doing that next week, i've already started painting Harry's room :D
OH finally got through to Olan Mills number today and apparently our order has been processed and is with Royal Mail and they are in discussion with them as to whether they will be sending them out and if not we will have to either collect them or get a courier company to pick them up..some good news for the day.

I will post piccys tonight after my din dins :D

That's great that you may be getting your piccies hun, bet you're relieved! :cheer:
Welcome back :wave: and congrats on your new flat.
Good news about your photos too :D

Welcome back,glad all went well and sorry about the pics how awefl to lose such precious memories. :hug:

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