Found lump on my dog *back from vet*

I changed vets for a similar reason.

Turned out my poor Sam was allergic to Beef! Could of saved £3k if used place we're at now and his new hyperallergic food.
budge said:
does it seem hard or soft? im thinkingit may just be a fatty lump. Those are really common and harmless. try not to worry. its hard not to think the worse though isn't it. :hug:

I was thinking the same budge, my mums dog got quite a few fatty lumps as he got older.

How old is your doggy fingers?

She's 6 and half xsuzx. Hope it just a fatty lump. Poor Sam glad he's ok now, stupid vets :evil:
They said it most likely is a fatty lump, cos she was spayed young and before her first season it's very unlikely to be anything mammory (sp). We could either have it removed straight away or keep an eye on it to see if it changes at all then go back if it does. My dog was happy, the vet gave her a biscuit :cheer: Thanks everyone for the replies, what a great bunch of people you all are :hug:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she got a biscuit and a great diagnosis! How lovely is that :cheer: Give her a cuddle from me, and I'm glad it's nothing nasty :hug:
Awww bless her, I bet she's wondering what all the fuss is about!! :hug:
Glad to hear that they vet didnt think it to be anything nasty.
I worked as a Vet nurse prior to being a mum.
A fatty lump can grow in size but still remains harmless, i have seen a Labrador with a fatty lump the size of a football under its arm, it kept growing so it had to be operated on every few months or so because it was affecting her leg.
As the vet said it is best just o keep an eye on the lump maybe take a measurement of it that way you can see if its gewtting biggger, often when you see it every day you dont notice that it is getting bigger.
glad to hear it wasnt anything serious give a hug for me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Phew Fingers, thats a relief..I am so glad it wasnt anything to worry about :hug:

We had Tilly spayed at 6 months, and the vet said it was a good thing as it cuts their chances of getting anything mammory related right down. i couldnt of faced fighting dogs off her when she was in season too :shock: I felt realy mean at the time putting her through it, but vet said he wished their were more responsible dog owners like us. she bouncd back after a day of the op and we havent looked back since.

Our vet is lovely, he is irish and looks about 15, he makes me feel old :shock: Tilly loves him and he always kisses her nose, and tickles her under the ear, she is putty in his hands :rotfl:

Give your doggie a cuddle from me and Tilly xxx :hug:
Glad it's not serious :)

They don't arf worry us silly tho don't they.
I bet she thought it was her birthday with all the fuss she was getting :) . Thanks for all your kind replies she's had lots of hugs from me from everyone :hug:

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