Im back off my hols.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Hey girls, im back from Yorkshire....and absolutly pooped!:night:

Af is due Sunday (if a 28 day cycle) and this is what ive experienced this month, after taking Angus Castus tablets for 14 days before OV

...Ive had a dull "pulsing" ache low down in my abdo, a couple of twinges and tugging feelings......but thats it, cant ork out if its normal or not to be honest.

...My cervix feels like its sitting higher than it does when my AF is here, but had no increase in CM.

Wha do you girls think? Positive signs?

Were gonna test tomorrow with a CBD (its all we have) we were gonna test on hol, but decided against.

Good luck to everyone testing this weekend, lets hop its magical xxxx:dust: :clover:
Sounds good hun.. I have everything possible crossed for you! :dust: xx
:( got a "not pregnant" this morning, totally gutted! Still got dull aching throb one one side low down, just hope AF turns up asap, so we cant begin round 8 of baby making xxx
Sorry to hear that chazabell! Maybe it's just too early! I've seen other ladies on here saying they were 8 or 9 days late before they got a BFP. It ain't over until the fat lady sings (or at least until the :witch: puts in an appearance!)

I'm in the same sort of position. AF was due yesterday but no sign and got a BFN today :-(
Hi Chazabell,

Sorry to hear about your BFN but don't give up hope yet, apparently the Clear Blue Diggi's are not as sensitive as some others, maybe try a different test.

Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xx
Im gonna wait for AF to show, if its not here by Wed ill do a cheapie test.

Its so frustrating, everywhere i look theres a pregnant lady, saw a pregnant kid on holiday!!!!

We even sat down last night an decided which pram we'd defo want, cot, moses basket etc. Wishfull thinking but we also know how much monies we need for what we want etc xxxxx

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