Im baaaaaack!

Omg princess, that’d be amazing!! (About the ovulation)
Hope we are cycle buddies, and then bump buddies (eeeekkk) haha I’m so excited

Omg princess, that’d be amazing!! (About the ovulation)
Hope we are cycle buddies, and then bump buddies (eeeekkk) haha I’m so excited


That would be exciting. Fingers crossed! :love:
My mum had her results the other day and it’s an aggressive type of cancer and she’s got to do the full 6months chemo and radio to get rid of it, my real mum went through this 5 years ago but I’m going to struggle so much more with my (nan) mum as she brought me up and I’m a lot closer to her. Can’t imagine seeing her ill:-(

I can’t stop whinging to hubby and he’s agreed to try in July now haha I’m just happy as I don’t think it’s going to be as easy this time round

Hope you lovely ladies are all ok xxx
Ellie, I am so so sorry to hear this:-( Sending you lots of hugs:hugs: Keeping everything crossed the next 6 months go well and you have a happy outcome afterwards<3 Oh great news re ttc next month!!! Also keeping my fingers crossed it happens quickly for you. It would be a bit of happiness all round during such hard times :pray: xx
Thank you so much babymaker, you’re always so kind :hugs:

Oh it’s 6 months chemo then 6 months radio afterwards, but my real mum didn’t have to do all the radio for some reason. I know I should only have positive thoughts but I can’t imagine her (my Nan mum) not meeting my children, her great grandchildren. It’s been though enough that my grandad hasn’t been here the past 8 years

I just told him that if we got caught in July I wouldn’t be due till the very end of March so not as soon as he though haha
Oh Ellie I am so sorry, but hopefully an early diagnosis and intervention is the most positive step. Really hope she responds well to the treatment xx

6 weeks til wedding! Having my coil taken out soon. Exciting times! Going to make sure it&#8217;s in a couple weeks time so ovulation is over and done with for June ;) - all on board for July ttc .

Hope everyone is ok xx
So sorry Ellie; sending my best wishes her way

So exciting Princess :)
Just caught up with various threads and just wanted to say huge congratulations to Donna:dance: Wishing you h&h 9 months! How far off your brother's wedding is your due date??

Princess, eek you have a date for coil removal? It's all becoming very real!
^^Thank you :) 10 days - so I'll be crossing my legs haha
No date yet... I&#8217;m going to book it tomorrow now I actually have day off. I don&#8217;t know wtf was going on 9 months ago but there are babies sprouting out of everywhere, to the point we can&#8217;t keep up. Thankfully I have the weekend off, goingg to take Cam to see Ed Sheeran :love: but work have sent about a million texts asking me to work all weekend. Shame I&#8217;m away actually as it would&#8217;ve been a lot of money for 2 extra nights! :oooo:
Thanks guys chemo starts next Friday!

DONNA!!! I did see on the other threads that you got your BFP but wanted to wait a little to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS hope you have and amazing 9 months! (Someone whom I work with, her daughter got married the other day and the brides sister in law went into labour during the ceremony (my coworkers daughter in law) haha then just before the speeches they were able to announce the birth haha)

Princess very exciting times ahead, I should ovulate tomorrow then once we&#8217;ve avoided that ovulation we&#8217;ll be trying eeeeeekk so excited

Where is your head at babymaker? Calmed down about the prospect of having 3? Hehe
Im glad they've got the treatment plan sorted so quickly, she must be under a very good team. I hope it's not too tough on her, I'm sure you'll be a lovely source of support for her :hug: you know we are all here if you need to vent.
I have booked to have my coil taken out on Wednesday next week :shock: my tracker reckons I'm due to ovulate on 16th June, but I think it happened on Tuesday of this week, so hopefully won't be fertile immediately after the coil comes out.
I thought i'd need to wait for an appointment, but they suggested Wednesday and I'm off that day so I'm going with it! eep!! x
Princess, yikes that's sooo soooon! I'm so jealous:lol:
Ellie, yep I'm firmly back in team baby#3 :lol: Now i just need to reassure my OH that finance isn't the only deciding factor:roll:
We're going away in a couple of weeks so I might get him drunk then bring up the subject again. He always seems up for it when he's had a few drinks lol!
Haha babymaker that&#8217;s all my DH is concerned about too! Also that the house needs stuff done to it. He was banging on about how I&#8217;ve whittled him down to having a baby sooner than he&#8217;d like but there never is a good time to have a baby!
My husband has been measuring everything up around the house since we found out. In fact the morning we got the first line he was measuring our bedroom as we need to sort our wardrobes out and talking about how he needed to sort the spare room out - it's like we have 8 months you really don't need to do it before work.
So, who have we got left in WTT? Still hoping to ttc in July/Aug. If that doesn't happen we're skipping Sept as there's too many family birthdays in June to avoid (incl our DD) and go for Oct, I suppose. But I really hope to start soon. I really don't like the idea of giving birth in July/Aug (Oct/Nov cycle) but obviously this is all if nature plays ball when she should;-)
Enjoy the sun, ladies! xx
Hey, hope you are doing well. I have been stalking the forums and can see that princess, Donna and Ellie all have their bfp's :yay: congratulations ladies.

Baby maker is it go time yet for you for number 3?

I don't know why I am browsing pf and torturing myself with looking at line spotting as hubby is still not on board. But I'm not in a place where I'm ready to TTC either so it's a bit weird being here. I'm still hoping to TTC in June/July 2019 so a year away if I can get hubby to agree.

I currently need to just look after myself as in another "depressive episode" as the doctor put it on my sick note. Feeling very overwhelmed with three kiddies and juggling the night shifts so seriously need to have a think about what to do about work as the current situation is not working and it is affecting my relationship with hubby too as I'm always so tired and snappy. Hoping to stay off for the summer holidays to enjoy it with the boys and then reassess everything in September xx

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