I'm 6 weeks pregnant & worried about my blood group

Dec 29, 2008
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Hi all, I'm new to this. I had a miscarriage a few months ago and following a D&C, I had my bloods checked. I was then told that I was Rhesus negative and had antibodies in my blood so was given an injection. I am now pregant again and am at 6 weeks. Have not had my bloods checked yet and am worried incase my blood is fighting against my baby's blood. Does anyone know if I am safe or will I need to get another injection?
I'm rhesus negative too :)

The injection you had will have gotten rid of the anitbodies in your blood. The only time you will need and injection is if you have a bleed you must contact the doctors straight away to get one or at 28 & 36 weeks (approx i can't remember exactly) then once baby is born your blood will be checked again and if you have antibodies from the birth you will be given another injection then.

I had bleeding throughout 1st and 2nd trimester so had a fair few of these injections, i know it seems scary but there is actually quite a lote of people with this blood group :hug:
Awh thanks so much for the speedy response - you've made me feel alot better as my GPs are rwally useless - have no faith in them at all. Hope all is well with you.xox
Im rhesus negative too with my 2nd child.

Nothing to worry about at all hun. You will have an anti D injection about 28 weeks and one after the baby is born if its blood is a different group to yours :hug:
hi, im also rhesus neg, pregnant with my second, with my daughter, i just had to have anti-d injections and everything was fine, you will have to have them if you have a bleed though, and sometimes after bubs is born
hey! im also rhesus neg lol i cant even remember if i had an injection with my first...i know I had one after i had given birth but i dont think its anything major to worry about chick :)

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