If you DIDN'T do CIO, did your bub learn to go to sleep on their own?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Did your bub one day just grow out of needing you to nurse/rock/etc them to sleep? And if so, at what age?

I tried to put our DD down 'sleepy but awake' right from the start but she was never having a bar of it so we're now in a situation now where she'll only go to sleep if she's nursed/rocked, sometimes several times. And often she's asleep on me but wakes up as soon as she's in the cot and wails till I pick her up and start again. None of the patting/shushing/singing/white noise stuff works or even helps. She just looks at me and WAILS. She's swaddled, she's 5 1/2 months.

My question is, if I keep nursing/rocking her (because it doesn't bother me except that people keep saying I'm making a rod for my own back) - will she just one day decide she can drift off by herself after all??

What confuses me too, is that when she feeds in the night I put her back in the cot and sometimes she's a bit awake, and she never complains then - only during the day.

Any ideas? And did your bub one day stop needing assistance to get to sleep??
Kynon sounds the same! Well all i can say is they def grow out of it at some point as my 15 year old dd is fine lol!
I have to feed Kynon to sleep most of the time i don't really mind, its the not staying asleep for very long that I do mind!

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Our little man was just the same and is same age but we r making progress! We didn't want to do CIO so we started doing the pick up/put down method (baby whisperer). We didn't do it to the letter and we have a cheap tomy light projector that we put on when he goes in the cot aswell, but after a few weeks we started getting to go off in less time and with less, if any pick ups! Now we r getting to b able to put him in the cot, sit with him for ten mins ( projector only time that long) switch it on again and leave the room. He usually goes off after it stops the second time! We used to have to feed or rock him to sleep and always had done but he was getting to heavy and I didn't want him to rely on feeding as a sleep prop so we made the choice to give this a go! It has been tough- especially as he mostly only naps for 45mins and it was taking an hour at times to get him to go off himself but we tried to focus in getting him to do it at one nap at a time and built up as he/we felt we could!.....I've had community nursery nurse come and c us coz we felt we were struggling with knowing the right thing to do and whether he was getting enough sleep and she said we were doing all the right things but explained it will get better as he gets older and with weaning. She said its v normal for bf babies to have trouble going off without the boob! But as they get more active and r weaned they sleep easier and longer. She did say if still problems around 8months then they would perhaps suggest CIO.......I think carry on with rocking/feeding if ur happy to, but if u want to try and ease little one into going off on their own this is what we did and it seems to b working so may b worth a try! Hope that helps xxx
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We rocked Jack to sleep from day one but at 6 months we started laying him down in his cot awake at nap times, we leave him until he starts to moan (we don't do controlled crying) and then rock him off to sleep. Sometimes he drifts off on his own (it's becoming more frequent now) and sometimes he needs a cuddle. Nightimes are easier because he's already half asleep after his milk. I think they grow out of it eventually x
Tyler is 14 weeks and I've just started putting him down to SS but as soon as he gets upset he's picked up! We've only been doing it a few days but he averages 2 naps in his cot 2 in his bouncer granted they aren't for long tho!

We have never left Oz to CIO. We chose to cosleep until he was 1 years old, was also BFing so it made it easier, esp in the early days. At 1 years old he chose ot stop the BFing and then went into his own bed wihtin a week or so of stopping BFing and had no trouble going over to his own room. And he had never slept on his own before, he did it when he was ready. OMG love my boy lol :love:
Awwww Maria that's such an inspiring story! I think children who are snuggled often feel more confident to go into their rooms when they're ready without problems as opposed to those who have been trained with controlled crying... But that's just from observing friends etc. Thanks so much for your story maria!
I co slept with alanna till 5-6 months. (on and off because we moved house) I did controlled crying even in my bed. she went in her own proper bed in her own room at 13 months no problems. Never wakes up, not since 4 months. lol
We have been getting Hannah to self settle for a couple of weeks now. We came down to stay with in laws yesterday for a week and I thought we would be in for a nightmare. Strange room, being left upstairs while we were downstairs. I was really worried about it coa we live in a flat and when we put her down in our room it's literally just off the living room. But.......we put her down awake at 7.30 and not a peep out of her and she was fast asleep by 8pm!!! Slept til 3am and then again til 6.30. Got to try out our angel care monitor which is amazing by the way!!!
Gives me confidence she will be absolutely fine to go into her own room in a couple of months. Xx

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