if i could go back...


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Here are the things I'd do differently (off the top of my head):

Not find out the sex
NOT bother spending hundreds on a nursery from mothercare (he isnt even in his nursery yet)
Really try harder to bf...as I do 99.9% of feeds anyway and have so much trouble with finding the right milk
Use reusable nappies...I think in the long run they'd be cheaper if bought in beginning.
Write a diary throughout my pg...I'm not one to keep a diary but it would be funny to look back on now
Got a pram where the car seat slots into it...have a separate one and if I'm stuck somewhere its tough luck
Took more pictures whilst in hospital...only have 1 photo of me and charlie, none of all three of us, the first one of us all was at Xmas :(
Took more time off work...not longer maternity, just a day here and there and done more stuff with Rick
NOT made Ricks lunch and dinner, ironed his shirts etc...think he expects it now! ;)

Those are just off the top of my head, would anyone else do things differently?
Have more sleeeeeeeep, that's the first thing that comes to mind lol xx
Take more photos in labour and at hospital before/after. There is still no pic of the three of us :(
Take more photos in labour and at hospital before/after. There is still no pic of the three of us :(

1st thing I did when we got home and I was up to getting make up on etc. Nagging for a new one now lol!

Not brought so many 0-3 month vests as that's all people seem to have brought us :| I have about 20!

I would do nothing different cos o have a happy healthy boy :)

Not find out the sex
Spend less on outfits as all I put LO in for the first 3 months was sleepsuits anyway!
Pack more pants in my hospital bag.
Take way more photos in hospital.
Keep a diary of pregnancy and take more photos in pregnancy.
Make sure I find out bf support BEFORE baby arrives!
Buy more second hand stuff!

Theres loads more but I wont bore you all lol.
Ladies I'm loving this thread!! Kinda nice to read about other peoples experiences/thoughts on pregnancy labour etc x
I would also have more exclusive mummy daddy and baby time after coming home from hospital...only had about 2 days and people were just inviting themselves over without notice...still annoys me thinking of it now. Another thing, it sounds mean but I would wait.til 3 month scan to tell family...my mum and little sister and cousin told the whole family at about 5 weeks and then I had my gdad and cousin ringing up shouting saying why did they have to find out from other ppl...spread like wildfire it did and Ricks family, immediate family still didn't know...wasn't fair as it wasn't anyone else's news to tell...although now if I do things differently for next one in the future ill feel bad, like take more hospital pics but only have 1 of me and Charlie lol x
Oh and I wouldn't eat so much cos now I'm suffering the consequences with 2 stones to lose :brat:
Not find out the sex
Embrace my pregnancy a lot more and not care what people have to say/think (had quite a few dickheads saying I did it as a meal ticket!!Nobs)
Take more pictures during pregnancy.

Added some more

Try harder to breast feed.
Buy a smaller pram!
Not buy any other clothes other than babygrows!

Take advantage of sleeping when you can. It annoyed me that people said it when I was pregnant as you sleep crap anyway. But I suppose the point is, you don't have to get up. Sometimes I wish Brody had a snooze button! Lol.
Take more pics in pregnancy
Start baby book before Rhea arrived ! Still not started it !!
Recorded more of my labour as it was the last one !
Found out bout jumperoo !!! Xxx

Ahhhh I love this thread! There would be so many things I'd have done differently! Next time I'll know I should:

- Take more photos when pregnant! I only have about 3 and I wasn't posing so I look HORRIFIC! The only nice one is 10 days before I had Cubbie, because my Dad wanted a photo of how big I was!
- Think more about what I want in a pram. 5 months down the line I've bought a new one because I was too caught up in the moment to realise the one I had didn't have a parent facing seat!
- SLEEP!!!!! Even though my SPD made sleeping very difficult, as well as being so huge.
- Eat less chocolate. I know I was eating what my body craved, but 6 stone is a lot to gain and a lot to lose... My 5 Curly Wurlys a day didn't help in life.
- Buy less clothes! We bought so many bodysuits, probably about 30 in total, short sleeved, long sleeved etc. He wore a few vests but that was it, on a cold day under sleepsuits. Only buy sleepsuits! I've only really started dressing Cubbie in tops and trousers since OH has been away because I've had nothing else to do, he still prefers sleepsuits...

Some of the things I think I got right:
- Furniture. My Mum said Caleb didn't need a wardrobe AND a chest of drawers but they're both full of his clothes
- Clothes sizes. We bought mostly newborn even though Cubbie was estimated 12lb 13oz... He was born 10lb 4.5oz and was in newborn for about 6 weeks.
- Finding out the sex. I'm WAY too much of a control freak not to, it would've driven me crazy.
- Not bothering with a 4D scan. At the time I really wanted one but the timings weren't right, we were moving house then OH was away working, I was gutted, but now I'm not that bothered.

Strange how I feel like I'll be such a pro for the next one hahaha! Unless we have a girl, then I'll be blindsighted!

I'm loving this thread I was just wondering why since ladies on here would change to not knowing the sex? We were thinking of finding out..... When the time comes xxx
- Furniture. My Mum said Caleb didn't need a wardrobe AND a chest of drawers but they're both full of his clothes

My mum said the same! Lol

- Furniture. My Mum said Caleb didn't need a wardrobe AND a chest of drawers but they're both full of his clothes

My mum said the same! Lol

Haha mums always think they know best, mwahahaha mum, I went and bought a load of clothes just to prove you wrong! xx
Eat less!
Have a 4D scan, would have loved to have had pics of him inside other than the normal scan pics.
Take more pics of myself being pregnant.
Take more pics at the hospital.
Take more knickers with me to the hospital lol
Still would have found out the sex though as I had 3 boys already and wanted to know what the 4th and last would be although I just knew it would be another boy! lol
I think I woulda still found out the sex. There's not really much I'd do differently. Probably take more photos. Should start on that now.

Things I got right - freezer meals - very helpful!!

I would have...

Kept a diary
Taken more photos of us as a family in the early days
Exercised more during pregnancy. Saying that, I had bad MS for the first 16-17 weeks and SPD kicked in at 19 weeks :(

I think I have more things I would change in the early days to be honest. But all is well in hindsight.

Overall though, I'm pleased with the decisions I made and things I did during pregnancy. Here are the things I'm glad I did...

Took photos of my growing bump
Went on Mat leave at 34 weeks
Cooked up lots of dinners for the freezer
Tried out lots of new recipes
4D scan
Not finding out the sex - It's interesting that a few of you have said finding out the sex is something you'd change
Read lots of books
Took naps
Decorated the nursery the way I did

I loved being pregnant (apart from the MS and the SPD)...I want another one now! :love:
I would of:
Not spent so much on babies things when he hardly wore any!
More pics of him being tiny!
Appreciated him more when he was small, now he is big it's seems like its all a blur from when he was tiny!
Bought a different pram. I love my maxi cosi Mura 3 just with it would I in boot without taking wheels off.
Be more decisive about what I do ad don't want. Like MIL inviting people round for a roast while I was in labour having contractions and I just couldn't say no as was concentrating on the contractions!! That will not happen again.
Def won't find out the sex. It will be a surprise this time x

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