I wonder???


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Hello everyone,

Haven't been on the site for a while as I've been trying to focus on other things than the M/C, and I've had more reminders than I've wanted recently. After my ERPOC I stopped bleeding almost immediately but two days later it all started again, which I found quite traumatic as I felt like my body was never going to be back to normal. That carried on for about a week and I couldn't stop crying for most of it. I think I may have stopped now but I've come to expect it to start again.

However having sat down and thought about it. This most recent bleeding started exactly 4 weeks since the scan and the first day I started to miscarry. I was wondering if I have had a period? One of the nurses on the EPU ward mentioned the possibility without me having to raise it, so i suppose it could be true. I had tingling nipples (a normal pre-AF symptom for me) about a week beforehand, so maybe.....

Sorry for the random thoughts.....
:hug: :wave: hi tick tock,
once again I am sorry for your loss sweetie, and it is the hurt of that and the hormones that are making you cry.
I believe it could be your AF as it is normal for it to turn up between 3-6 weeks after MC.
Try to think of it as a good sign....hard I know.. I was distraught when mine came.... it was like a re-enforcement that i was no longer carrying my son. But when i focused on the positive....my body was getting back to normal....then it made me feel a little better, and less emotional.
Once you understand that being upset is allowed, crying is normal, not crying is normal, however YOU handle YOUR loss is normal...then you can stop fighting the emotions and start healing....sounds like your body is already on her way to healing :pray: Good luck doll, take care of you :hug: lv Yvonne xx
Hiya Honey,

I am sorry you have been so sad. :hug: Like Yvonne said it is completely normal...your hormones will be all over the place. You have been through so much.

It does sound like it could be AF. I also found my first AF very upsetting intially...the mixture of emotions of not being pg and my hormones going haywire...I was an emotional wreck, just as I thought I was getting a grip on my grief. However...towards the end, I realised that this meant I was now ready to TTC again (now that I am off my happy pills and panic attacks seem 100 times better since hypnotherapy :cheer: )

I really hope that things start to work themselves out for you honey, I am keeping my fingers crossed and sending hugs :hug:
hi hun i hope your ok and im sorry your feeling like this but i promise you with time it will get easier. :hug: :hug:

My af came exactly 4 weeks after my first m/c and like Yvonne it devastated me it felt like i was m/c all over again my doc told me that it would come anytime between 4- 12ish weeks he said he had seen a couple of women go for longer because it took their bodies longer.

Anyway you know where we are if you need to talk thinking of you hun :hug: :hug:
im so sorry youre having such a hard time. i remember feeling abslutely terrible when i got my first period after the MC. But it means that your body is healing and getting better and thats wonderful. Stay strong and i hope you feel better soon. :hug:

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