I want to be PREGNANT goddamit!!!

skairdykat said:
Awww hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
We all have times like this. Mine usually happens at the start of my cycles cause it seems like forever till my AF or BFP is due. Then I think about the ladies on here who've been trying for a lot longer than me and I feel a bit guilty :? I think AF is coming for me today, I have all the signs and some spotting so this'll be my 4th cycle of trying but feels like my 100th. We'll get there in the end. Maybe this month WILL be your month cause Danny was at home wasn't he when you OV'd this time? :pray: :pray: :pray:

thanks Skairdy, i know how you mean!!! yeah Danny was home and i THINK i OV as i had lots of CM and really light AF cramp pains! im praying i BD'd at the right time BUT not feeling any differnt so probably didnt catch this month :roll:
You never know hun. From what I can remember I didn't feel any different when I was PG with my boys till about 6-8wks then the morning sickness kicked in big time :puke:
well im keeping my fingers crossed but not gonna hold out for too much, i had loads of signs last month and nothing came of it, this month not feeling any differnt to every other month!! ohh well..have to wait...and see... :roll:
well, my period is usually between 25th-28th of every month, last month i didnt come on until 3rd April!!!! so should be due around 25th but maybe later!?

I think you may be due a bit later because you came on late last time so maybe it sets it back a bit. I'm not sure though.
yeah probably will come on later, but im not sure, not holding out so much though, god it drives you mad all this TTC doesnt it? i never knew it would be so stressful and tiring lol :roll:
LOL I know. I never even took any notice of my cycles or anything before TTC. It really mashes you brain doesn't it :x
yep!! i never thought about anything before deciding to start TTC, i just used to have my periods once a month and that was that!!

now its taken over my life :lol:
MissG, how long is your cycle roughly? If first day of last AF was 3rd April and your due next one on 25th April then thats only a 22 day cycle :hug:
Miss Gobby what was the date that we worked out last week for ur next AF being due?
i usually come on around the 25-28th of every month, last month i was very late and didnt come on until the 3rd April. so not sure!?
lol we worked out ur cycles though? They were pretty irregular werent they.
yeah Jo but didnt they work out that i was around the 25-28th?!?! im sure they did?!?
No it cant have cos that would have meant ur cycle was only 22days long.... Hang with me & ill check my msn history for you......
OK we worked out from the info we had:

26th Jan > 26th Feb = 31 days
26th Feb > 3rd May = 36 days

We didnt work out a date for ur next period but it could be up to 36day cycle which could be around May 9th.... Its so hard to tell as your cycles are irregular. Maybe someone else can advise?
right well im going to start to write down when i come on and finish. so i will write Jans and Febs down too thanks Jo!!

do you think then, if i did OV last week it was too early??!?? :think: im sure i did OV because i had white CM and light AF type pains but now im unsure?
If you did OV last week then you'll be due 10-16 days after that.
im hoping i wont be due for another 9 months really Skairdy :wink:

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