I want some symptoms...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Hubby and I have been trying properly for 3 months (been trying on and off for longer as hubby said it would happen if it was meant to be but eventually realised what that was doing to me!)
The first month of trying properly I was convinced I was pregnant - just felt funny - nipples became sore and delicate to touch (and still are 3 months on) was moody and went to the loo alot. Was so excited I tested early - BFN but I just put it down to testing early. Kept trying. AF was 2 - 3 days late so was utterly convinced that the tests were wrong - until AF came :(
Similar thing happened last month, spent £20 on tests (the dip stick ones) as I was convinced they were wrong not me! But of course AF came and I was devasted - almost felt as though I had lost a baby that wasn't there - irrational I know.
This month - we have BD'd every day and apart from butterflies in my tummy - nothing. I am due on next Wed so I know it is really early but the 2ww kills me. I have convinced myself AF will come, but at the back of my head a voice is trying to convince myself I am pregnant - but with no evidence to back it up :p
Sorry for long post but I feel a bit like a pillock (to coin a phrase!)
I build myself up everytime - touching my stomach, feeling broody, getting excited only to get AF turning up.

Just wondered if I was actually insane or if anyone else is / was like this?

Again sorry for essay of a post!!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
i know how you feel a bit. I've never wanted kids untill i met my OH, we talked about it and decided yes we would like to some day. Then my hormones seemed to take over! One day i asked him if it happens earlier than we thought would it be a problem? He reconed no..... so that was that (we just left it up to fate)

The month before i was pregnant i was convinced, did the test and everything. I just FELT pregnant. Then my period came and i was really disapointed.
The next month i felt the same, my friends were trying to prepare me for the fact that i probably wasnt but low and behold the test was possitive! I couldnt have asked for a better reaction off Rick. Wouldnt have it any other way.
Congrats hun - just keeping my fingers crossed it'll be like that for me either this time or soon!
Dont worry too much, at least you'll enjoy the practicing!
i was just like you, i reember the apprehension and excitement and then every month for like 10 months i got my period, they are realy irregular so i didnt know if i was coming or going!!! i didnt chart or anything like that, we just went with the flow and luckily we BD almost every night anyway so i was gonna hit when i conceived at some point!

anyway, it wasnt until the first month i didnt stress about it and worry and expect something that i actually fell pregnant. i didnt eve realise i was until y partner pointed out my bigger, harder boobs and tiredness. i didnt do a test until i was about 6 weeks so my advice to you, if at all possible, stop focusing so much on it! luckily i had christmas to keep me busy so i didnt think about it much but if you stop expecting it to happen, it will!!

good luck.xxxxxxx

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