I think it's going wrong

So sorry Hun Xx all my love to you and your OH Xx
I'm really hoping its still ok, don't give up, I had some bleeding at 5 weeks and loads of cramps, it felt just like AF. Sending you massive :hug: and hope it really does turn out to be just a scare xxxx
Thank you all, you are all so lovely xx
I'll let you know what doc says, the cramps have stopped now so that's a relief but I'm still bleeding just not as heavy now.

Does anyone know what the dr will do? Xxx
I hope everything is ok for you...

When I was having my MC I wanted to know either way what was happening. I rang out of hours and the nurse said to go to A & E. I would do that if you cant wait. Hopefully its nothing.

When I found out I was pg I was about 3 weeks and had 2 days of implantation bleeding after my AF...fingers crossed xxx
Hi all I've been to the dr.
He does think that I've had an early mc, I've got to take another urine sample in on cd 42 just to make sure I'm not preg he said that sometimes you can carry multiple and only mc one but he doubts it in my case due to lack of symptoms. I'm also having a blood test to check for immunity to rubella has any one else had this?

Thanks again for all your support, really hope you all have happy and safe nine months :) xxx
So sorry to hear this hunn, take care of yourself x

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