I think i'm going to lose it...


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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"Have you had baby yet?" "Are you in labour?" "Haven't seen you on FB today, is everything ok?" "You didn't answer your landline earlier, are you in hospital?" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! When will they all leave me alone?! :wall2:

I don't mind the odd one asking but I had 5 (yes 5!!) texts yesterday asking if i'd had baby or was in labour! I think everyone thinks i'm going to keep it a huge secret until baby turns 18 or something?! Idiots! I'm getting really sick and tired of it now - I just text them back, "No" lol!

I dread to think what it's going to be like when i've had the baby and they demand to come over...1st person who shows up uninvited is getting the door slammed in their face! Haha!

How is everyone else dealing with all these questions?
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Tell them you're not due for another 3 weeks, and they had it wrong.
:rofl: Haha! Good idea Heulyn! Although they've been asking since 37 weeks so doubt it'd sway them!

I reckon i'm just been a mardy git really :blush: I know they're only asking out of interest but it's draining the excitement out of it for me! lol!
That's honest-to-god what my consultant said to me the other day.
She was like, your EDD is feb 28th, but make sure you tell people a few weeks later, so they don't ask you every five minutes.
I was like... :shock:
That's honest-to-god what my consultant said to me the other day.
She was like, your EDD is feb 28th, but make sure you tell people a few weeks later, so they don't ask you every five minutes.
I was like... :shock:

God - I wish someone had told me this months ago! lol!
Awwww hugs!!!! Sounds annoying......... I would be annoyed & I reckon my mates will def be te same!!! Crazy!!!!!

Really hope things do start moving for you soon!! How are you feeling sweetie??? X
I'm feeling fine thanks, physically. Just mentally insane! Lol! Need to have this baby before I attack someone and lose it! Hehe!
I don't mind been asked, it's when the same people ask you day in day out...as if you'd keep it a secret from them or something! I don't know eh?! It'll all be over soon! X
My mum's getting more calls about me than I am - she did tell everyone she knows though so it serves her right! I've had a few FB things but my mates know I'll tell them if anything happens thankfully. My poor mum though, she's fielding about 10 calls a day lol!
I remember when I had zander a certain friend of mine kept asking from 35 weeks if there was any signs after three days if consecutive texts I ignoored them lol! And it continued till birth (he was three days late!) lol I was quite tired of it haha! I had a few other people ask which was nice and
It's great people are interested but when it the same person alllll the time grr! Lol something I'm not looking forward to this time round haha!

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God I didn't even think of this problem! Better prepare for a few months time lol! X
Aw pet bet u cud wring someones neck!! Valuable lesson for the rest of us, tell everyone a few weeks later so u get a few weeks grace. Hope things do get moving for u soon babes - and u are left in peace xxx
I had this with Lacey!! I think if it happens this time I'm gonna tell everyone to get lost! Lol
Hehe! Thanks guys! It's fine when it's the odd person asking but when it's EVERYONE (inc people i've not spoken to in forever...!) Asking every single day, it's enough to drive even the sanest person round the bend! Lol! It's not as if they're just throwing it into general conversation either, out of no where it's "Any signs? You had baby yet?" X
Aw bless you! I get sick of people asking how i'm feeling all the time so i can imagine how you must be feeling!

Can you imagine turning your phone off and not answering the door for a few days?? It would drive them nuts lmao
Haha! I've actually considered doing that, lol! I just ignore the messages. I bet some of them think i've been in labour for days now! :rofl:
Thanks for sharing this..I will definitely take this as a advice and will not share the real due date now..:) but till then..tell them u will update ur face book the day baby is born but I can completely understand how difficult it can be to handle all these ppl..
I put comments on my facebook saying that Id let people know as soon as something happened, but people still asked. Oh it drove me mad! I refused to answer the home phone as well, which drove my parents mad.

You'd think people would get the message eventually!
So....Tasha....any sign of baby yet? MUHAHAHAHAHA sorry. x
Text them back and say, don't worry , I will make sure you get a text as soon as there is any news to tell, thanks for asking (maybee they will get the subtle messge)
So....Tasha....any sign of baby yet? MUHAHAHAHAHA sorry. x

Very funny :roll: lol!

On a more serious note, nope - 'fraid not :-( Don't think this child is going to move in a hurry! Stubborn little monkey! x

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