I saw him :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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well at work yesterday the inevitable happend, my ex came into the shop, and ended up at my till, buying expensive christmas prezzies for his gf, when he wont buy so much as a packet of nappies for his daughter, at least the gf wasnt with him, that would be my worst nightmare.

but i was good, i didnt get upset, i didnt break down .... well not until he left, when i promptly run out the back and burst into tears :cry: but i didnt let him see.

he was so cold and off hand :cry: :cry:

strangly i kinda feel a little better, i was dreading seeing him for the first time, and its over now
Im really sorry hun! I would leave him and focus on your little girl and be the best mum ever. You have done your best to sort things out, you know you have tryed and thats what you can tell your daughter. Dont do anything he knows where you are, it will annoy him more knowing that you are getting on with your life. Believe me he will regret it in later life x x x :hug:
what a knob, how u didnt lob his stuff at his head or tell the manager he was tryin to pay with fake notes i dont know hun lol!! :x :x :lol:

uv done NOTHING wrong, he will regret it later and u can laugh in his face :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
mummykay said:
what a knob, how u didnt lob his stuff at his head or tell the manager he was tryin to pay with fake notes i dont know hun lol!! :x :x :lol:

oh it was tempting trust me, but i was shaking so much i kept my hands hiden so he couldnt see :oops:

on the plus side, he looks like he's put on more weight then i have :lol: he's uglier then i remember, and still seems to wearing the same pair of jeans which dont fit properly :lol: .... not that im mean or anything :oops:
Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

What a asshole/moron. You are clearly better off alone.
I fucking hate men that do this, ASSHOLES

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What he came in your shop, buying pressies for his g/f and came to your till!! OMG i would have walked off! What a dick! Well done you for being sooo strong i think i would have punched him! :hug:
keli said:
What he came in your shop, buying pressies for his g/f and came to your till!! OMG i would have walked off! What a dick! Well done you for being sooo strong i think i would have punched him! :hug:

yep, well im assuming she's the one he was buying toni and guy hair set thingys for (thats the technical term btw) thing was there was 5 of us serving, so why he didnt say to the person behind him in the Q 'do you want to go to that till' i'll never know, other then he doesnt think he's done anything wrong!

if we'd been quiet i would have refused to serve him, but that prob would have made his day
Oh poor honey.

Seems a bit odd that he would come into your shop and go to your till. He sounds a right tw*t. Maybe he felt he just had to see you?

I'm sure he went away thinking that you look well and was obviously not bothered by him anymore...

well done for being so strong in front of him though. I'm pretty sure that I won't be the same if I see my ex face to face!
I would have taken his money and put it in my pocket lol what a ass hole!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What a T@#ser..... Well done you for being strong. I think id have shoved his toni and guy hair set where the sun dont shine. :twisted:
you should of told him it declined the card, even if it didnt lol
i wish i'd thought quick enough, seen as i work in boots i could have hinted 'there was me thinking you might be in buying clothes for your daughter, a toy, or even a packet of nappies'

in all honesty i was concentraiting more on not getting upset and getting rid of him asap :oops:

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