i now understand the difference...


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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between bog standard cleaning and NESTING!!!!
You should see me go!! :rotfl: im having a tea break at the mo, i have been like Kim and Aggy on speed all day!! it started with the need to wash all of Jakes clothes and bedding in order to pack hospital bag properly and get it over with becuase there was so much to do!! THEN!......
3 washing loads later....
the cupboards have been emptied and scrubbed, every cupboard in the house!!
the whole upstairs has been polished, every mirror cleaned and shelves decluttered.
windows washed (inside only!!) skirting boards cleaned, Bathroom has been blitzed and airing cupboard emptied and refilled neatly with everything folded!!
i have thrown out 3 bin bags full of crap, filed away my important letters and now i am sitting with a cuppa and a pack of rich tea thinking where to start next, kitchen or living room!!! i am sooooo enjoying this!!!! :D
I'm just gonna PM you my address! can you start with the kitchen?? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I did this with both my previous pregnancies, in fact with the last one, I cleaned the entire house & put together a flat pack chest of drawers......with a tin of corned beef as Hubby had taken the hammer to work with him!! I went into labour the next day!!

Try & rest for a while before you carry on!! Enjoy the rich tea......Im off to grab the biscuits now!!

LisaPink said:
I did this with both my previous pregnancies, in fact with the last one, I cleaned the entire house & put together a flat pack chest of drawers......with a tin of corned beef as Hubby had taken the hammer to work with him!! I went into labour the next day!!

Try & rest for a while before you carry on!! Enjoy the rich tea......Im off to grab the biscuits now!!


will do hun, wow i hope this means Jake may be coming sooner rather than later!!!xxxx
i'm moving house soon, i hope my nesting starts right when i move in so i can be bothered sorting everything out, haha.
right now i just sit around with stuff piled up everywhere thinking, 'i should do that...' but never doing anything about it!
Isn't nesting fab?! I always feel really chuffed with myself when I've cleaned the house from top to bottom (which is almost everyday now!) OH doesn't understand my need to clean all the time but I'm loving doing it even though I'm knackered afterwards! We should start a cleaning buisness! :lol:
You know Im only 30 weeks yet keep nesting! With my others I didnt "nest" until the end but last night I was lay in bed and very very nearly got up to clean the whole downstairs! I thought it would be good while everyone was asleep so they couldnt get in my way! lol Luckily I fell asleep or would have struggled with today lol
LisaPink said:
I did this with both my previous pregnancies, in fact with the last one, I cleaned the entire house & put together a flat pack chest of drawers......with a tin of corned beef as Hubby had taken the hammer to work with him!! I went into labour the next day!!


/\ /\ /\ :rotfl: :rotfl: I love it :rotfl:

Blessed that was some cleaning sesh you've had there!! Cant wait for my nesting stage to kick in, i'm a bit of a clean freak to start with but been so tired lately its been a bit more of a chore.

wishing my nesting would kick in, didnt have it with DS dont think its going to come with this one
AHHHHHHH!!! Just finished!!! i feel so happy i could cry!! how sad is that?!!!

just had a shower and washed my hair too, now i'm sat down all comfy and one with the world wondering what to have for tea :think: this cleaning malarky makes me hungry, mind you most things do these days!!!

All i have to do now is wait for OH to come home and mess things up again :doh:

I'm so damn tired I don't have the energy to nest!!! Luckily the house is pretty clean and tidy at the minute which makes a change and I'm just sort of keeping it that way instead of my usual let it get messy and then have a major clean!!

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