We came home from hospital, DH promptly lay down on the sofa, stuck the tv on, and started playing games on his mobile.
I went into the kitchen, put the kettle on, made us both a sandwich and a hot drink. Then after, I cleared up, and started to get through the mountain of dust in the living room. I think I'm getting the nesting bit because even though it was agony, I didn't just dust, I cleaned and polished everything, even what couldn't be seen! Then I cleared all the junk from underneath the pc unit, grunting in pain as I went. Then I went upstairs and did the same in our bedroom. I even polished every bottle of aftershave and perfume!
I had been asking DH to hoover since Sunday (having a long hair dog, it needs doing twice a day), and he hasn't done it. So when I was doing the living room, I pulled furniture out and left it there so he could hoover behind. When I got downstairs again, he hadn't moved. So I again asked him to hoover, and his answer was 'I'll do it later'.
So I said, no, not later, now please. And he said, yes, in a bit. So I said again, no, now please. And he again answered that he would do it later. So I told him to forget it and that I would do the fooking thing myself and if I did myself any damage, then it was his fault. I stormed into the kitchen to get the hoover out, and he followed me shouting at me and asking what my problem was?
That was where I lost it.
What's my problem? You're my fooking problem, you lazy b***ard. In case it's escaped your notice, I'm less than 3 weeks away from giving birth, and I haven't been able to walk for weeks. I'm in absolute agony, and I'm still responsible for all of the cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping. And the one thing I ask you to do is greeted by a 'I'll do it later' answer. What the fook are you going to do when the baby is born???? I can't drive for 6 weeks, can't lift, can't clean, all the things I really shouldn't be doing now but still am. And I'll have a newborn to take care of. What are you going to do then, eh??? You can't use the I'll do it later answer when your son needs feeding or changing. Why did you marry me?? Did you want a wife or a mother? Cause if it's a mother, ring her now and tell her you're moving back in. If it's a wife, shut the fook up and get on with the fooking hoovering you lazy SOB!
I think you get the general idea!!!
So I went upstairs and sobbed on the bed for a good half hour. I could hear the hoover, and wondered what was taking him so long. Well, he finished downstairs, then did the stairs as well. Then he carried on and did all upstairs! After he had put everything away, he came upstairs again looking all sheepish and apologised for being crap!!
When I finally came back down I realised why I could hear the hoover for so long - he's vaxed everywhere as well!!!!
My eyes are still stinging from all of the crying, but my house sparkles and hubbie can't do enough for me!!!
Sometimes I think hormones can work in our favour!! 
I went into the kitchen, put the kettle on, made us both a sandwich and a hot drink. Then after, I cleared up, and started to get through the mountain of dust in the living room. I think I'm getting the nesting bit because even though it was agony, I didn't just dust, I cleaned and polished everything, even what couldn't be seen! Then I cleared all the junk from underneath the pc unit, grunting in pain as I went. Then I went upstairs and did the same in our bedroom. I even polished every bottle of aftershave and perfume!
I had been asking DH to hoover since Sunday (having a long hair dog, it needs doing twice a day), and he hasn't done it. So when I was doing the living room, I pulled furniture out and left it there so he could hoover behind. When I got downstairs again, he hadn't moved. So I again asked him to hoover, and his answer was 'I'll do it later'.

What's my problem? You're my fooking problem, you lazy b***ard. In case it's escaped your notice, I'm less than 3 weeks away from giving birth, and I haven't been able to walk for weeks. I'm in absolute agony, and I'm still responsible for all of the cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping. And the one thing I ask you to do is greeted by a 'I'll do it later' answer. What the fook are you going to do when the baby is born???? I can't drive for 6 weeks, can't lift, can't clean, all the things I really shouldn't be doing now but still am. And I'll have a newborn to take care of. What are you going to do then, eh??? You can't use the I'll do it later answer when your son needs feeding or changing. Why did you marry me?? Did you want a wife or a mother? Cause if it's a mother, ring her now and tell her you're moving back in. If it's a wife, shut the fook up and get on with the fooking hoovering you lazy SOB!

I think you get the general idea!!!

So I went upstairs and sobbed on the bed for a good half hour. I could hear the hoover, and wondered what was taking him so long. Well, he finished downstairs, then did the stairs as well. Then he carried on and did all upstairs! After he had put everything away, he came upstairs again looking all sheepish and apologised for being crap!!

My eyes are still stinging from all of the crying, but my house sparkles and hubbie can't do enough for me!!!