I lost the plot this afternoon. :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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We came home from hospital, DH promptly lay down on the sofa, stuck the tv on, and started playing games on his mobile.

I went into the kitchen, put the kettle on, made us both a sandwich and a hot drink. Then after, I cleared up, and started to get through the mountain of dust in the living room. I think I'm getting the nesting bit because even though it was agony, I didn't just dust, I cleaned and polished everything, even what couldn't be seen! Then I cleared all the junk from underneath the pc unit, grunting in pain as I went. Then I went upstairs and did the same in our bedroom. I even polished every bottle of aftershave and perfume!

I had been asking DH to hoover since Sunday (having a long hair dog, it needs doing twice a day), and he hasn't done it. So when I was doing the living room, I pulled furniture out and left it there so he could hoover behind. When I got downstairs again, he hadn't moved. So I again asked him to hoover, and his answer was 'I'll do it later'. :roll: So I said, no, not later, now please. And he said, yes, in a bit. So I said again, no, now please. And he again answered that he would do it later. So I told him to forget it and that I would do the fooking thing myself and if I did myself any damage, then it was his fault. I stormed into the kitchen to get the hoover out, and he followed me shouting at me and asking what my problem was? :shock: That was where I lost it.

What's my problem? You're my fooking problem, you lazy b***ard. In case it's escaped your notice, I'm less than 3 weeks away from giving birth, and I haven't been able to walk for weeks. I'm in absolute agony, and I'm still responsible for all of the cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping. And the one thing I ask you to do is greeted by a 'I'll do it later' answer. What the fook are you going to do when the baby is born???? I can't drive for 6 weeks, can't lift, can't clean, all the things I really shouldn't be doing now but still am. And I'll have a newborn to take care of. What are you going to do then, eh??? You can't use the I'll do it later answer when your son needs feeding or changing. Why did you marry me?? Did you want a wife or a mother? Cause if it's a mother, ring her now and tell her you're moving back in. If it's a wife, shut the fook up and get on with the fooking hoovering you lazy SOB! :shock:

I think you get the general idea!!! :rotfl:

So I went upstairs and sobbed on the bed for a good half hour. I could hear the hoover, and wondered what was taking him so long. Well, he finished downstairs, then did the stairs as well. Then he carried on and did all upstairs! After he had put everything away, he came upstairs again looking all sheepish and apologised for being crap!! :clap: When I finally came back down I realised why I could hear the hoover for so long - he's vaxed everywhere as well!!!! :dance:

My eyes are still stinging from all of the crying, but my house sparkles and hubbie can't do enough for me!!! :dance: Sometimes I think hormones can work in our favour!! :rotfl:
awwww!! not wonder you were sick!
i think it sounds like you put over your feelings really well though! He obviously understood you loud and clear :rotfl:

i'll hafta remember the one about mother or wife :lol:
Well done Tankett, sounds as if he was just needing a good kick up the arse which you defo provided! Maybe this is the start of a new man!
Well done Tankett for kicking arse - sounds like more grovelling is needed by DH though, so keep him on his toes!!
:hug: tankett hun well done for giving him what for :clap: hopefully he will be a bit more considerate from now on :hug: xxxxxx
:clap: Well done Hunny :clap:
Sometimes i don't think they have the brains they were bloody born with!!
I'm glad all is ok now, I am all for tantrums when needed :lol:
poor tankett sorry to hear ur feeeling stressed but well done for telling him sometimes these men just need to be told dont they :D
YOU GO GIRL :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Am full of admiration for you hun and dont blame you one bit. :hug:
:dance: YAYYYY :pray:

YOU GO GIRL!!! lol gotta to admit i found your rant quite amusing but at least you got a result!! soooooooooo proud of you babe!!

Good luck and speak to you really soon!!!

Love Imi+Maddie
Go Tankett, it dont hurt to give our DH's a kick up the bum once in a while
:dance: :dance: Yeah you go girl, they just a need serious kick up their arse sometimes...they think we are robots, shame you had to get so upset to get a result...but I'm glad you got a result...and hey a great result at that. Here's hoping the next couple of weeks he will spend grovelling and doing as much as he can to help...you put your feet up hunnie and relax....you deserve it... :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all your positive replies girls. :hug: I feel so much better today and the house is still sparkling!!! It's so much easier for me to keep on top of as well.

I'd love to know where he gets it from though, it isn't genetic to be this messy. His mum and dads place is spotless. She's a live-in warden at a sheltered accomodation place, and does all the cooking as well. She's a fab cook and you could eat off the floor in the kitchen. But, I've just been to SIL's to feed her fish as she's on hols, and was shocked by the mess! :shock: She's 28, lives with her bf of 5 years, and is a science teacher and head of year at a school. So I assumed she would be organised. But oh no! The house looks like half a dozen students live there!!!! They've been away 3 days and have left the sink full of dirty pots from the day before they went! They looked after the inlaws dog when they were away, and they've been back 2 weeks, but the first thing that greets you is the smell of dog and piles of hair stuck to the carpet! :shock: There are piles of post, junkmail, and unread newspapers everywhere! The kitchen floor looks like it has never seen a mop! I couldn't help but go and have a nosey upstairs as well! :oops: The bed is not made, there are dirty clothes everywhere, the ring around the bath is amazing, and so is the mould in the bottom of the shower tray!!! :shock:

Do you think that their mum did too much for them when they were younger, and now neither of them know how to look after a house? :? It just amazes me that people are happy to live like this - it would send me into depression! :rotfl:
Well done you! you seriously kicked his butt.

I have to agree I think their Mum probably did to much for them and now they cant look after themselves! my ex was like that, his Mum had done everything for him all his life so he didnt think about or care about cleaning in the slightest.

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