I can see from your comments that you are just so excited and can't wait to see your baby. I wanted to give you a little bit of advice. Like Babyem, I was in a similar situation but turned tables.
Pregnancy is one of the toughest things I've ever been through emotionally and it took a good year for my hormones to get back to normal. So what your ex is feeling now may be different in two, six, 12 months, you just don't know. It's a very scary time and is she's already a single Mum, it may be that she doesn't want to repeat what happened before so that is why she is pushing you away. But it could be many reasons. I know it's hard but try and relax. Things will be very different when the baby is here.
I am an advocate of breast feeding and had anyone said to me that I should bottle feed, especially for the reasons you gave I'd have ripped their head off ( told you my hormones were out of control) so, I'd go easy on the "advice" you give there.
Also, if fob had dictated how often he wanted to see my baby before he was born or even now, I probably would have spiralled out of control, it's instinct to not be away from your baby regardless of BF or bottle. I wouldnt go in demanding this that and the other, even though you are the father and believe in sharing time, it's ultimately mum's decision at the beginning and I think in the first few months you should honour that. If you go in too intense she may very well push you away and start being difficult which is the last thing you want.
I know what it's like to have your partner reject you at such an important time, it's soul destroying. When is bb due?