I need some advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2016
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hey girlies. I need some help. I took a test yesterday morning and I thought I could see a line but I wasn't sure, then I took another one this morning and it looked negative, but I just decided to take another one tonight and it looks positive, I don't want to get my hopes up because we have been let down and heartbroken many times the last two years. I've had a bit of cramping and my boobs feel a bit sore but no more then than they usually do. I have been feeling wiped out which made me do a test initially. What do you think? The first pic is tonight's one, the second one is this mornings...X IMG_7114.jpeg
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I just took one this morning and got this... I'm starting to believe it! IMG_7129.jpeg
Took this about an hour ago... I'm scared to take a digi in case it lets me down 😣IMG_7141.jpeg
Thanks! I've been taking cheapies all week and they have been so faint so I've been worrying, but this morning I took a FRER, also my morning sickness has kicked in! We've been trying for 2 years so I'm finding it hard to let it sink in! Xx IMG_7212.jpeg
Ah yeah, I just got 3+ this morning to. Cheapies were being weird and going light then dark, I don't trust them anymore. Was panicking so bad.

We tried for 2 years for our first aswell it's amazing when it finally happens :) then they just came one after the other. I'm hoping this is baby number 5 hahaha I've had 8mcs tho so well see what happens :)
Hey guys just to update. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks, I'm absolutely devastated. That's why my lines were so faint I guess. Started having really bad back pain & spotting and i was sent to EPU. They scanned me and couldn't see anything as i was so early, my hcg was 104 then 48 hours later it was 24. Life is so unfair. Xxx
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Hey, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry to hear this. Miscarriages are incredibly tough, and it's completely understandable to feel devastated. The faint lines and the symptoms you described make sense now, but it doesn't make it any easier. Be kind to yourself and take the time you need to heal. We're all here for you.

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