I need a translator!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Hi all

I am quite new to this and need a bit of help with all the abbreviations! I thought I was semi-intelligent but can hardly make sense of the threads cos I dont know what you pros are talking about half the time:eh:!

Is there a place on here to look up what all the initials mean - or do I need to let you all know how dumb I actually am and ask each time I see one I dont understand?!

Just a little backgound on me - came off the depo last November and was all over the place with periods until September when I did a test and found I was pregnant. Unfortunately I miscarried (MC?!) at approx 7 weeks and am now hoping it will happen again soon.

I love reading all your posts - particularly the testing ones each month - I hope to join you all on the December one - apart from those of you that are going to get your fab news this month of course!!

Baby dust to all of you, good luck x:dust:
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Hello excited! Come and join the fun. Or rather the nut house. For this is the place where we come to be a bit mental about ttc :-)
Hi and welcome Excited :)

The worst thing about the abbreviations is that a lot of them are for terms you'd never use, so like BFP = Big Fat Postive... who ever referred to it as a big fat positive?

Why people just couldn't say "yay! I got my P!" i have no idea ;)
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Ha ha - BFP was definitely one of the ones that threw me but because it was used so often I really felt stupid!I had come up with all sorts of explanations but big fat positive definitely wasnt one of them!!!!

Thanks for the welcomes, look forward to hearing about all your BFPs (get me!!!!)
Hello and welcome excited nice to see you here! glad you will be joining us in the christmas testing thread :)

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