Need a Focus?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey all, I am one of these kind of sad people who is a bit OCD and always has to have some real focus on something. Ive always been the same it was exams, then uni, then my job, wedding and recently loosing weight. All achieved!

Ive now found myself in the weird place of the ONLY thing I desperately want is a sticky bean and I just cant seem to get it. I think that having this as my sole focus is going to actually drive me insane so Im looking for some suggestions on a new focus not TTC related. I got a bike last week so I guess it could be cycling but Im not sure.

Do u think Im a bit nuts or do any of you have the same personality?
Nope, I'm the same! I've just started a massive research project at work, am organising a meditation group and am thinking of learning the drums! xx
Glad Im not the only one. My hubby thinks Im nuts and is always like, cant you just stand still and be content just now! Eh no!

Good luck with the drums I played them at school for my higher music and thought they were brilliant. Especially when your well P'd off at the world. Everyone in ear shot beware!
I'm the same too.

The only time that i actually stopped thinking about ttc as much was when i stopped coming on the forum.

Obviously i was still thinking about it, but i didn't feel as stressed about it.

I always seem to keep coming back to see how other people are getting on, but i shouldn't really.

It's hard to find something else to think about when everything revolves around it :)
My husband complains that I'm like that, but I don't really think I am :P He says I get super caught up in one thing, and then that will be the only thing I talk about and read about. Ah, now I remember, he says I'm monothematic. In a way I guess I am :P Don't know how to avoid it though! Sorry!

I am trying to get a summer job now though, and my license, so that might help keep me busy! Anything like that you can do? (guessing you have both a job and a license... but like a course or a skill or something maybe?)
Louise you are maybe right some time away from the forum could be an idea as I am getting a bit addicted! Become a second nature and bit of a compulsion not to have any we unread threads on here!!!!!!

Lewa thanks for the suggestion, im a teacher so guess I can always keep learning so that I can pasd on my knowledge! Maybe have a look at corses etc. Doesnt help Im a massive footie fan and today was the last game of the season! Dont know what to do with myself!!
Im exactly the same!! Last year was my wedding, and now its TTC! I try to research everything (am the same with holidays) and people just say oh you need to chill about it more but its impossible!!

Ive just started a hula hooping course. Sounds mad but I though well its a giggle, good for my waist and learning something new. Its actually a good laugh even though Im crap at it! x
well, I just started crocheting a baby blanket. It's definitely not NOT ttc related, but it's something I can actually DO. With TTC you can try all you want, but in the end all you can do is wait and hope for the best, but I kind of feel like when I'm crocheting it's an actual action, something I'm in control of that has to do with TTC. I've calculated it'll take me at least 80 hours to finish it, so that almost makes me happy I'm not pregnant yet :P When I'm done with that I'll probably start knitting some clothes as well.. If I actually never do get pregnant I can always give it away to others. It's kind of nice, cause the longer it takes until I get pregnant the more I'll get done and the more home made stuff I'll have for the baby, which is kind of nice :)
Might not be the kind of thing you need, but it helps me! Spending time on this forum and googling symptoms etc won't really help me get a baby any faster, and won't do much for the baby either. Crocheting a baby blanket won't help me get a baby faster, but at least I get an actual, physical result out of it! I can give in to my need to do baby related stuff without it being hopeless and a "waste of time", if that makes any sense at all? (Not saying this forum is a waste... but I think you understand what I mean?)
I have started knitting some baby items. I have finished a baby blanket and I have started my first baby cardigan...its a steep learning curve but I know by the time I do get my wonderful baby he/she will have some adorable home made items to keep warm in.
I have started knitting some baby items. I have finished a baby blanket and I have started my first baby cardigan...its a steep learning curve but I know by the time I do get my wonderful baby he/she will have some adorable home made items to keep warm in.
:D That's great!

I've knitted a sweater for one of my nephews and a dress for a niece before, and now it's nice to know I'm at a stage where I can start making those things for my own babies to be :)
It's great cause it allows me to "play a mum" kind of. It's something I can already do for my baby(ies) :)

Do you have any pictures of the things you've made? :)
I have started knitting some baby items. I have finished a baby blanket and I have started my first baby cardigan...its a steep learning curve but I know by the time I do get my wonderful baby he/she will have some adorable home made items to keep warm in.
:D That's great!

I've knitted a sweater for one of my nephews and a dress for a niece before, and now it's nice to know I'm at a stage where I can start making those things for my own babies to be :)
It's great cause it allows me to "play a mum" kind of. It's something I can already do for my baby(ies) :)

Do you have any pictures of the things you've made? :)

Will put up piccies when I've finished the cardigan :lol:

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