I miss it...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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I still feel so gutted I had to turn to formula. I miss breast feeding my boy so much. :-( It felt so loving and natural to me. Formula is the next best thing but it's not the same. Pointless thread, but just had to get it off my chest. :-( xx
aww hun i feel for you, wish there was something i could do. come visit i'll lend you Alyssa lol
Even if josh could latch on ok, I'm all dried up now I reckon. Feel so gutted but trying to not let it get to me. His health and happiness is paramount. Just hope to be able to do it longer next time round.x
I had to give up bf too and you just have to remember that you gave him the best start and even though you are ff now they did have the bf to start!!
Unfortunately I only managed it exclusively for the first 7 days and then expressed for the next 3 and then switched to formula completely. It wasn't a decision I took lightly but I was gutted and even now I still wish I carried on BF. I know formula isn't the same but some things just can't be helped and I still feel bond with Angel during feeding and it might seem weird to some but sometimes I just feed her in my bra or in a little vest so we can have that skin to skin and I make eye contact with her, kiss her little nose or forehead and she's so content during these feeds and everytime it makes me feel a little better :) xx
yeah...hannah gazes up at me when i am bottle feeding her and i am pretty sure the bond is there just as much. in fact when i bf her she doesnt look at me..lol xx

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