I made a new friend today


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Woooooohooooooo I've finally met someone who lives near me who speaks English!!!! I have made friends here but they all live in the 2nd or 3rd district and i live in district 11 which means a 50 minute tram and bus ride for me and Thea to go visiting.
Anyway we were at our Monkey Business crawlers class this morning and Thea made a beeline for this little boy that she has been playing with there for a couple of weeks. He comes with his daddy every week. So his dad and i got chatting and it turned out that he only lives two minutes walk away from me! Basil looks after his little boy Jethro while his wife goes to work. They are South African and have been here for five years now.
We met up again this afternoon and went for a walk and then i went round for a cuppa and met his wife Claudia who is also really nice :) Basil walked back round home with me to meet Richard and they got on great. We are going to have a BBQ at the weekend and we've arranged to met up for Thea and Jethro to play together tomorrow.
Its so nice to know there is someone just round the corner that i can have a conversation with!!!
Aww that's brilliant news! It's lovely to have friends nearby! :hug:

It's great Thea can play with Jethro more often! :cheer:

Gotta say what a cool name Jethro is! :lol:

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