I know this isnt the place but I feel so alone :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I had a M/C in December and now me and OH are TTC but I would have been due July 20th. The closer it gets to my due date the more alone and depressed I feel, everyday I sign on to facebook and see yet another unfit mother talking about how their pregnant with their 7th child, although the rest of the children are in care or with their dad's.

This girl who previously went to school with me, basicaly updated a status saying;-

"**** you all, I'm pregnant, to all you whos miscarried get over yourself"

this has just made me feel so depressed, a person who wrote this is childish, immature, unresponsible... yet is going to be a mother and probably have a healthy pregnancy and child, I've never wanted something so much in my life, I want a little jellybean inside me and for me to be sick in the mornings over it and terrible backache I am willing to go through that pain, why is life so unfair, I don't know how I'm going to feel on my due date if I'm feeling like this now.

your in the right place hun and so sorry you had to read that its disgusting :hugs: she clearly does not appreciate having children sick cow, i wont say i know what your going through because ive never been in your shoes but didnt want to read and run big :hugs: xxx
Thats the worst facebook Ive heard. That is just so nasty! I know how you are feeling its like everyone else seems to get a healthy pregnancy but you. People who it was a mistake and people who smoke and drink! I got a text last night to say a friend is having a baby due the week I was and its brought all my hurt rushing back. It is a 'hapoy mistake! I mean how does that even happen. We all try so hard and we are still not pregnant.

All I can say honey is big hugs and we will be the best mums when its our turn!!!
I'm a bit quiet on the posting front at the mo but had to send you a message, I'm so so sorry you had to read that with what you've been through

It's absolutely disgusting how someone can even write or think like that & shows what a nasty person she is but You are in the right place with all the girls on here, they are fab

Lots of :hugs: on the way

Thanks girls, just cant believe I had a miscarriage you always think that it won't happen to you and even though me and OH are TTC again, I'm silently worried that I'll miscarry again but I know me miscarrying can't put a hold on my life :(
Thanks girls, just cant believe I had a miscarriage you always think that it won't happen to you and even though me and OH are TTC again, I'm silently worried that I'll miscarry again but I know me miscarrying can't put a hold on my life :(

i know exactly how you feel ive one daughter and two m/c, my last one was sept and i would have been due in a couple of weeks, ignore the idiots out there who comment like that and u have to remember we only loose them because they have problems and if they did survive they probably wouldnt have lived a fulfilling life - thats how i get through them anyway.

also your time will come, my friend lost 5 in a row and now expecting her 2nd, i know someone else who has lost 7 at various stages, they are also expecting their 2nd, hang in their hun. try not to dwell on it as stress and upset can cause problems with conceiving and are also not good when u are pregnant xxxxxxxx
Oh my goodness, thats awful. I would delete her ASAP, sorry for your loss hun. Nothing any of us can say will make you feel better but time really is a healer.

Oh my god, ignore the status...even better delete her! I am so sorry hun. It will get easier. I don't know what to say but sending big :hugs: your way. xxx
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she is clearly just scum, delete her off FB and I would also have a mind to report the post. There is absolutely no need for such nastiness and disrespect.

I also feel sad when I think that my baby should have been born in September, it's such a sad thing, but we really do just have to get on with it :-(

I really hope you get your BFP soon hun x
That's sick.

It's probably best to delete her and keep things like that to your nearest and dearest in future :hug:
I have deleted after last night, as I commented on her status telling her how disrespectful she was and how she would offend everyone who has had a miscarriage or is going through one to which she replied "**** off it's nothing to do with you it's my facebook status so if you don't like it keep your eyes closed" to which I kindly blocked and deleted her.

I'm still feeling a little emotional but I've spent the day with my cousin whos just had a baby boy 7 weeks ago and I'm now feeling a little optimistic as I know I'll always remember this baby but like one of you posted the baby didnt live because it had problems and if it had lived would not have furfilled its life to the full benifits, thanks all of you for posting it's nice to know that if I get depressed or sad or let everything come down on me time to time then I know I can just come here for support, thanks so much girls seriously you'll never know how much you've helped me.
Glad you deleted that nasty piece of work! Some people are total scum bags! She should be absolutely ashamed of herself! :shakehead:

Im sure you will be fine doll and your time will come one day, its a waiting game for us all and it sucks. Just think though when that baby does come along you will wonder why you worried so much and got yourself all upset over it, i know i will when my time comes eventually :clock: haha.

Anyway good luck pet and try not to upset yourself to much, theres lots of ways you can try to get pregnant, apparently ovulation tests are very effective :)

Keep smiling :hugs::clover::clover::hugs: xxx
The trouble with Facebook is that it is accessible to anyone and everyone and sometimes we befriend people without knowing that they are infact just scumbags, I came off it 3 years ago coz I was sick of all the idiots who try to take over ur life with their pathetic and needy comments anyway rant over, I'm glad you deleted her and I'm sorry you had to read her vile poison this place is so much better and the people are far nicer, hope you are feeling a bit brighter now xx
Oh bless you - but at least you now know that's one person you don't need in your life.


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