i know my own son...grr!!!

It's silly u have to prove yourself like that to him mummy knows best and ur mum should step back a bit!!
I know. I even said that to him and he was like ill leave it to you from now on ill just change nappies. He drives me mental Sometimes. He Went out with his son for the first time today. Then we got into an argument cos I got pissed off cos his ex was picking jordan up and my oh phone died when I told him to charge it now he's all like hes not gonna see him again because its gonna cause arguments trying to make me feel guilty when I didn't even say anything about his son. Yeah I know what you mean. Thing with my mum is she.likes to be in control and don't like it when other people are in control xx
Control is a bad thing for alot of people!! He shouldn't be so sensitive about his son he should defo keep his phone fully charged u have a young child at home and if there is an emergency he needs to be able to be contacted.. Seems like ur both really sensitive at the moment maybe try and get some time to yourselves and remember why your together :)
I know. I think it because she comes from a big family if your not loud and put spoken your just not heard. Her whole family are like it to certain degrees. I know. I think he's scared that if he gets close to him his mum will take him away from him. Your right. It's just so hard finding the time right now xxx
It's defo hard finding the time hun totally understand :hug: keep at it things will settle down and get better! Maybe you should take a leaf out of their book and be more outspoken lol! Tell them all to do one!!
Things have got a bit better.I think cos me and Leandro have been ill so not really the time for arguments. I think I should but Sometimes I just can't bothered with the arguments. Had enough of them lol xx
I know how u feel babe :hug: thing is can't let it all slide or it will carry one.. It may hit a rough patch for a short while but after should be fine.. I didn't speak to my mum for three weeks when Jaycee was born coz she was telling what to do and what not to do etc and it done my head in! Since then she hasn't done it again lol!
yeah i know.me and alex had a massive row this morning about his niece. he feels like i dont love her like his exs have so i turned round and said to him well why dont you go back to them then if you want someone who thinks you should be treated like a mug and stormed out. but had to go out needed to go tax office and sort out child tax. then when i came back i just carried on as if nothing happened and so did he. he felt a bit stupid after and made lunch. we hada talk and he feels cos his parents passed away and hes close to his niece he feels like the most important people he wants at his wedding wont be there. its really stresing him out that he cant bring her back and i refuse to help him. i do feel sorry for him as he loves her and it is his wedding too. i just wish she wasnt the way she is and treated him with more respect. i just feel like hes gonna get hurt and theres nothing i can do to prevent it and its horrible watching xxx
Babe that must be so tough.. I get his point but also yours! Can't u have a word with this kid and demand some respect? Or tell her one say he will realise she is using him and he will back off? Does he understand ur only thinking of him??
I know. Just Went on his fb and she's demanding money again. No please or anything just one x. Yeah right shed be straight onto Alex twisting things. Or Hell give me the whole she was there before you. Shell always be his little princess. I was even kinds hoping Leandro would be a girl just so it would take some light off her. Bad I know. I still love my not more than anything though. He keeps sayin its her mum brainwashing her xxx
It's her brainwashing him by the sounds of it!!
What gives her the right to demand money??
His son and his fiancée should come before her whether she was there before u or not! U should say, my mum came before u and Leo but you will always come first!
She is one Cheeky little mare !!! I agree oh should b putting u and Leo first !! Xxx

ASking for money - no way he needs to stick to an agreed amount if he starts giving in to her demands she wont stop! x

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