I'm such a big fat idiot and big fat liar :-(

My mum said she did that with me and I'm fine.
Also when we went on holiday last year with friends their baby smashed his own head on the table and he started to giggle.

It hurts us more than them.
(((HUGS))) hun. Jax has done so many things. He slid off the sofa when he was about 2 weeks old, felt awful, somehow he had wriggled down and slipped off the edge. Luckily we have pretty thick carpet and the sofa is low down. He fell off another time when he was about 4 months old too (you'd have thought I would have learnt my lesson). The worst thing was that I put him in the high chair about 2 months ago and didn't strap him in straight away, literally turned my back for a second, just to get his food and he arched his back and slipped straight though, straight onto our tiled kitchen floor. Was mortified. Needless to say, I am always vigilant now with strapping him in. He didn't even have one bump and was fine with 2 minutes.
Oh hun

Please dont be so hard on yourself, this happens to the best of ppl.

My 1st LO I was absolutely terrified of falling off bed ect. & she never fell, but with 2nd LO I thot I knew it all & could take some "risks", for example I never ever ever put 1st LO on my bed, even to change her bum,I was religious about it, I kept thinking someone would come to door or fone wld ring & i'd forget about her. But with 2nd LO I thot...it didn't happen 1st time, maybe i was too paranoid, so I started letting him go on bed, he could hardly move, but one day shuffled off the edge, head first, it was absolutely terrifying. I lied to my OH too. I didn't tell him about it & the next day I just had to. He had a moan. LO was totally fine.

Theres certain things to look out for with a fall, concussion, bleeding, drowsyness, blood shot eyes. I think if its any more than 3 feet or a hard surface u shld go to hosp any less it should be fine, my bed was just 3 foot.


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