i just weighted myself (update PAGE4) NEW!! Great news

I've put on 1.2 stone, I thought I'd put on a lot more, but there's still time, I don't mind though, as long as LO is happy, he can put on as much weight as he likes :lol:
I love my food too, always have done! Before my first baby I could eat what I wanted and stayed size 8-10 :shock:

What I wouldnt give to have my old figure back without the stretchmarks and stuff :(
Due to loss of appetite and being sick, I'm only 8 lbs over what I started at but if you count it from the weight I went down to at around 16 weeks I've put on a total of 15 lbs!

I dont know what i am with how you girls weigh your self :lol: canadian here . But i was about 170 before this pregnancy and am now 194 which isnt too bad as i was even more then that while pregnant with Kiara and i started off weighing 5 pounds lighter with her .
I dont think you should worry about the weight so much as long as your both healthy.
I haven't gained anything due to :puke: but you can tell I have lost weight from all over except my bump and boobs
I was 11.2st before size 12, Im now just over 13 and size 14-16 :shock: Im hoping not to go up to as far as 14st and lose 2st at birth then diet for the rest and maybe lose a bit more.

well ladies we got some buffin up too do after are LO'S are born

i have to be a yummy mummy :pray:
neeko_1 said:
well ladies we got some buffin up too do after are LO'S are born

i have to be a yummy mummy :pray:

Me too!

Im gonna try and get down to 10 stone afterwards cos thats a nice weight for my height :pray:
um......I still haven't put on any weight yet but my bump is definitely getting big, ( I can't even read the scale reding , my hubby have to read it for me :oops: )
I was 12 stone 2lb when I got pg, now I'm 13 stone 6lb. I've got 7 weeks to go, so I guess I'll have put on approx the expected 25lbs for my height/build plus a bit more. Here's hoping for an Emmylou style birth and instant return to pre-pg weight!

Saulino - we measure in stones and pounds here (14 pounds per stone), so not that different really. Some of you are so tiny, I think I was last 8 stone when I was about 11 years old!!!! Nearly all my weight is in my boobs I reckon - they have always been massive, well from the age of about 11!!! :shock:

P xxx
I started at 9st and am now somewhere between 11 and 11 1/2. It feels like a LOT - but it's great to read from you all that I'm not the only one! Encouraging too to read about how quickly it could come off again - fingers crossed!
I agree that its a relief reading about how much everyone else has put on. I stepped on the scales earlier and I've put on about 2 stone now still with 9 weeks to go :shock:

Im *trying* not to worry about it though :wall:
it does make me feel better to see that a lot of u hav put on a similar amount- im not so much a pig as i thought i was!

and mummykay's post is VERY encouraging- lost over 5st in 7 months! well done mummykay! :clap:
I'll second the congratulations to MummyKay - and, yes, that's really encouraging. Shows it's possible for it to come off again!
we can do it ladies....

we will get are bodies back and may be start a little tread on are sexy bodies :wink:
I was 9 and half stone to start and 13.2 when I had him. Lost 2 stone in first 2 weeks and I'm about 10.10 now so not far to go :)

Dont worry too much girls, you lose lots of weight afterwards then lose more running round after LO
i started off at 9stone and im now 13 and still got 6weeks left!!! :(
all i can say is don't panic you will lose it, the main thing is your baby is growing healthy.

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