Ungrateful cow!!

The plan I had just come up with really was to write a card saying thanks. Would she expect a pic of him in it do you think? I had considered the pic idea but then felt hypocritical cos then she'd think I really really liked it and might send me ones for when he gets bigger :shock:
I love knitted baby clothes too, my mom did this for us...

knitted.jpg :love:

But things aren't to everyone's taste and if you told them not to bother then it's their own fault. I agree take a pic of him in it and then sell them or give them to charity.

I felt really ungrateful yesterday too, MIL gave us a bag full of cuddly toys, 4 of which were Winnie The Pooh Tiggers!!! I mean WTF, why would anyone need/want 4 Tiggers!!! And OH told me I was being ungrateful when I turned my nose up (not infront of her obviously). But not only are they tacky but they are covered in dog hairs from her house too, so god knows what I'm going to do with them but they sure as hell aren't going near my baby or being displayed in the nursery!!
Lol Princess! MIL is a fond knitter and into her crochet. I don't mind some of it but agree it can look dated. Like the chunky knits. I hate those massive bobble hats with the bobble the size of the baby's head!

We've all got different taste. I remember buying something with ears and my cousin telling me how much she hates stuff with ears lol. I didn't take offence though.

I really don't like winnie the pooh anything. I know that's harsh but it seems to be everywhere and someone at work decided to give me all of her winnie the pooh collection of teddys :shock: She's 47 so has had them years and they reek of smoke. I felt so bad as she meant well, but they might have gone in the bin *ahem nursery at my parents*

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My MIL, bless her, had knitted a cardigan for A but even though its in blue, it looks like a dress! Has two buttons on top and the rest is flowy + looks like pinafore sleeves, I mean seriously, what did she think? She dressed him in it when she was here and it might come out at xmas when they are over. No way I am taking him out in it and its huge anyway.

My DH said to her that it looks like a dress, he is just like that
My MIL, bless her, had knitted a cardigan for A but even though its in blue, it looks like a dress! Has two buttons on top and the rest is flowy + looks like pinafore sleeves,

Sounds like a 'matinee jacket' from the 70's!!!

My mother is a knitting/crochet freak!! I knew there was no way of stopping her so just asked for white/cream and then pink when we knew. So I was dreading the parcel to arrive..........

She must have had a bang on the head!!! She's knitted some lovely hoodies and cardies and crocheted some gorgeous blankets. Even the wool used is machine washable and tumble driable!!

BTW Rachaelius - I love that all in one!!!
My MIL, bless her, had knitted a cardigan for A but even though its in blue, it looks like a dress! Has two buttons on top and the rest is flowy + looks like pinafore sleeves,

Sounds like a 'matinee jacket' from the 70's!!!

My mother is a knitting/crochet freak!! I knew there was no way of stopping her so just asked for white/cream and then pink when we knew. So I was dreading the parcel to arrive..........

She must have had a bang on the head!!! She's knitted some lovely hoodies and cardies and crocheted some gorgeous blankets. Even the wool used is machine washable and tumble driable!!

BTW Rachaelius - I love that all in one!!!
Probably from the 70s, I guess thats the era her magazines are from. I am probably ungrateful but its hideous! Would like nice modern cardis though.

I did ask re blanket.

Your MIL sounds like she has really put effort, well done!
Just googled and its definitely it, I wasnt even born in 70s,lol. Doesnt look boyish at all though. I would ask her to take it apart and make me a blanket but I like her
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I know exactly how u feel! OH's auntie has knitted 3 sets: white, lemon and mint green. Cardi with matching bonnet and boots! Bonnet has a massive bobble on the top like a winter hat!
Im sorry to say they are awful. Luckily OH doesnt like them either.
They will be put on the baby once to take a photo in to send to her and thats it!
I feel quite fortunate not to have recieved matching hats, however I know o/h's aunty will have done sets of stuff. I broke the news to him on the phone just now, he was like "oh FFS why did no one listen" lol.
i agree about the winnie the pooh stuff, in fact i'm not a disney fan at all - poor bubba! xx
I have been given some knitted things, the plain white cardis, blanket and teddy are gorgeous! But was also given a mint cardi with like bobbles on....... not keen on that at all, especially for a little boy. Altho OHs nan bought a purple striped hello kitty baby grow too :eh: i just said thank you, lol
oh god i know this feeling.. ive not been with my partner a very long time really, and due to our age difference (him being 29 and me 20) he was really worried about introducing me. not a nice feeling at the time as i thought it was down to him being embarrassed and it rli hurt me the thought that he was ashamed to be with me. turns out after a lot of conversing, his mum is very judgmental and he didnt want me to feel disliked.. anyway cutting a long story short, i ended up meeting her when i was pregnant as we didnt get chance before hand, when i met her she had knitted cardies in every colour u can possibly imagine!! including fluorescent ones.. they are the most god awful things i have ever seen in my life, im worried i wont even be able to put lo in them for the times when she is around ahaaa.. so ur not ungrateful as i hate them to hehe xxx
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