I just cant help myself!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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I have booked an early scan at 8 weeks :oops: I just cant wait til 12/13 weeks to see if bubs is ok. Also, hubby wants to be able to see baby too as he will miss out on scans due to going away for 4 months so its for him too :wink: I wont go over the top like I did when pregnant with Maddison though, had 5 scans when carrying her :wink:
ah brilliant hun there is nothing better than seeing your little bubba up on that screen is there,

when is it booked for?

i think i might be able to bet 5 scans for this pregnancy lol

so so pleased for you hun :hug: :hug:
Its for sometime in week 8 of pregnancy which will be at beginning of December. Dont have exact date yet as I did it online and they will contact me to confirm :D
Oh that was quick, just got my appointment for 28th Nov :cheer:
not long to wait then!

how many scans do we get as routine?
Generally 2 scans, 12 weeks and 20 weeks :hug:
that doesnt seem much and seems along time from 20 weeks till giving birth!
I now but in between 20 weeks and birth the MW checks the heartbeat at each appointment (or at least thats what happened for me) :hug: Last pregnancy I had a private scan at 7 weeks, my usual 12 week scan, a private gender scan at 16 weeks (due to hubby going away, we will be doing this again this time as he is away again), my usual 20 week scan then a private 4d scan at 30 weeks :hug: (not doing the last one this time as hubby is away) :hug:
I'll just take the scans theyll give me and thatll be it, although i might get extra for being over 35 maybe.
You might be able to get extra as you have miscarried in the past babes but I'm not sure :think:
This thread got me investigating early scans! My OH has managed to talk me out of it though - as he pointed out, £100 buys a lot of nappies! If I were in your situation though, with my OH going away, I would definitely have one.

Sometimes you'll be offered an early scan if you've had a previous m/c too, so maybe your midwife will offer you one at your booking appointment, Holly?
I was thinking about getting a scan my self but strange enough didn't call them yet! last time i had over 10 scans LOOOOL! crazy i know. this time it doesn't seem to bother me much. one of my favourite scan is between 15-16 weeks where i only go to find out the sex :rotfl:

Good luck snuggle
If it wasnt for the fact that hubby is going to miss scans then I probably would just have the two we usually get but have to admit that I'm excited about the gender scan at 16 weeks :wink:
I'm not booking in with a midwife at 10 weeks so it'll just be the 12 week scan.
I didnt want any early scans, but I wouldnt mind more later ones. Plus I thought we got one at 16 weeks to find out the sex, 20 weeks before finding out that is too far away for my liking.
Just to make you feel better Ive had 5 scans already lol.

1 @ 3 weeks to check all was in correct place as Id had pains but saw nothing (i had no clue about dates as was huge suprise, I was being tested for PCOS)

1 @ 4 weeks to check again if all was ok, saw the sac but nothing else.

1 @ 7 weeks and saw baby

1 @ 12 weeks as standard

1 @ 18 weeks for detailed scan for downs as my results were high

1 @ amniocentesis

and I have my 20 week scan on Thursday lol xxxx
I think I may do the same Snuggle. Just got my BFP yesterday, I think that means I'm 4 weeks today - although have been feeling dreadful for 2 weeks now (no appetite, constant nausea), so perhaps I ovulated earlier than I thought?

Anyway, probs wouldn't be offered 12 week scan until after Christmas, and it would be nice to tell our friends and family before then.

I live on the west coast too Snuggle, are you able to say where you are going for the scan?

Fee :)
I'm having a Babybond scan in Peterborough (I live in Leicestershire hun) but Babybond have studios all over the country so have a look and see if there's one close to you :hug: :hug: If you've been quite sick for a couple of weeks it could be twins :wink:
HollyHobby said:
I'm not booking in with a midwife at 10 weeks so it'll just be the 12 week scan.
I didnt want any early scans, but I wouldnt mind more later ones. Plus I thought we got one at 16 weeks to find out the sex, 20 weeks before finding out that is too far away for my liking.

How come you're not having a booking appointment? I thought they were quite important for discussing what tests/screening you want to have, and the various options for your ongoing antenatal care? :think:

The anomaly scan is usually done between 18-20 weeks, and not all NHS trusts will tell you the sex of the baby - some have a policy of not doing so, so it's worth checking this if you do want to know your baby's gender. A private sexing scan costs about £50-£70 near here, I guess it's similar everywhere though.
Thats why I'm getting a gender scan, Peterborough wont tell us the sex :wink:
Snuggle said:
If you've been quite sick for a couple of weeks it could be twins :wink:

OMG! :shakehead: :D

Thanks for the info Snuggle, sorry, I just saw Glasgow in the first line of your location - doh!


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