i heard the heart beat :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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i picked up the heart beat last night on my fetal doppler :) i have been trying every other day since i got it and kept getting my own so was not expecting to pick it up last night :)
Yay!! In my first scan the sonographer said she could hear the heartbeat but never turned the volume up so I could hear it :-( Then I had a scan the following week as part of a training course for medical students and one of the students turned the audio on so I could hear the heartbeat which was great, a really amazing experience :-) xx
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i picked up the heart beat last night on my fetal doppler :) i have been trying every other day since i got it and kept getting my own so was not expecting to pick it up last night :)
it's very easy to fall in love with the sound of baby's HB, amazing
I received my angel sound doppler last week, I tried to find the HB for about 30 min and couldn't, when my husband came home, he found it in 3 minutes, so since then he's the one who searches for it
did you recorded it?
Cool! I'm still trying to decide whether to get one or not
no didnt record it this time as i didnt expect to hear it lol i have my ds heart beat recorded though from when i was pregnant with him
Hi Midnight,

How many weeks were you when you found the heart beat? Just got the Angelsounds Doppler but can't hear it yet, but I'm only 8 and a half weeks so maybe I need to be more patient!!

wow really early 9 weeks, you did well to hear it, I hear they recomend after 12/14 weeks

lovely sound tho, very reasuring
i was 9 weeks +2 i use a hi bebe fetal doppler they are similar to the ones the midwife uses :) i only try so early because i know on me they can be picked up early my midwife on my dd picked it up at 8 weeks :) but i am really slim so dont know if that helps at all but dont worry if you dont pick it up yet and for a few more weeks also :)
I still only manage to pick up my own. Starting to wonder if I'm looking in the right place x
is the 1 you have like the midwives?? i think the others take slightly longer to pick up the heartbeat you need to check just above your pubic bone x
Mine is the angel sounds doppler so it might take a bit longer then. I haven't tried since the weekend and was disappointed. I think ill wait until next friday when I will be at 12 weeks. X
oh dont disappointed hun you will pick it up soon and its only 15 days till scan day isnt it :) have you got a midwife appointment before then? if so maybe ask the midwife to see if she can find it but be warned some wont check untill after 14 weeks because if they dont find it it just make mum worry for no reason xx
Yeah 15 days, I can't wait, feels like I've been waiting forever. I haven't seen a midwife at all yet. The hospital is strange I don't get to see anyone until my first scan and I think ill get to see midwife at the appointment as it lasts 2-3 hours. The letter didn't even say it was my scan just said its an appointment but it must be my scan since ill be 13 weeks. X
i had my booking in yesterday at home she took bloods and family history and we discussed a home birth and breast feeding(i didnt attempt it on my last 4) i would really liek to give it a try this time and i knwo it with benefit the baby as my ds suffers with asthma
I know they like to get you to breast feed, don't think I will though. I just don't think I would feel comfortable enough to do it. No doubt the midwife will try there best to get me to though. I have heard it helps you get the weight off quicker. I have a wedding one month after I'm due so ill want my baby fat gone :) Xx

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