Heard my babys heart beat on a doppler


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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I'm so excited, I managed to hear my babys heart beat on my doppler yestearday (I'm 10 weeks pregnant). Only heard it for about 10 seconds before it dissapeard and could not find it again. It was 179 beats/minute. :lol:

I just hope I don't get as obsessed with the doppler as I was with my last pregnancy, it's just so addictive :roll:.

my DH won't buy me one till later in pregnancy but i have my scan on thursday so will hopefully see and hear baby then xx
Oh how exciting Kiki! that must be very reasuring
Whats the earlyest you can use these and hear a heartbeat?
woohoo thats great news hun :) i dont have one yet but havea scan on friday :dance:
Oh how exciting Kiki! that must be very reasuring
Whats the earlyest you can use these and hear a heartbeat?

In the instructions it says from 10-12 weeks, but I think its quite hard and you need a bit of luck when it's that early. In my last pregnancy I heard it at 11 weeks, and then there could be a week that I couldn't find it at all.
Ohhh that's great, I can't wait to try mine out. I remember in my first pregnancy it was a god send but I had to limit myself to twice a week :oooo:
they say not to use them till you are over 14 weeks i think as it scares most mumstobe when they dont find the heart beat as it can be very tricky to find but i found mine reasuring also my older kids loved listening in when they wanted to i like listening to the wooshing sound of the placenta too lol

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