I have some questions....


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Hi girls
I wonder if anyone could kindly answer a couple of my questions based on their own experiences if they feel comfortable to do that.
How long does the bleeding from a natural mc last. Mine started Thursday and now I have thick very dark blood and not very much.
What will happen to my cycle? When will af be due?

Apologies for all the questions but the hospital told me nothing xxx
Hun that's awful the hospital told you nothing - how bad is that! I'm so sorry I've not got any answers but just wanted to say hello and :hugs:

I had a natural MC on june 3rd this yr. (was 6+1)
My bleeding lasted for 10days.

I didn't end up getting my af back as we tried right away.

The return of AF does vary from person to person though.

My aunt had a natural mc in december , bled for 13 days and then missed one af then had one the following month.
Thanks sunny girl x

Thanks for that Lynz, I would have been exactly 6 weeks so similar to you. My bleeding looks like it might stop soon, I worry that everything hasn't come out as it will only be 5 days tomorrow. Like you say though, everyone is different. Sorry for your loss hunni and thanks so much for the info xx
Everyone is different hun, i just had a period and my cycles went on as normal x
I hope that happens to me Shauna, I've read about some not getting back to normal for 3 months! xx
I had a mc last october, and my bleeding was a lot heavier than normal but didn't last as long as a normal period, I think it was all over in 4-5 days. I then had a normal cycle straight away and af again 29-30 days later. Im still trying though, but Im hopeful that I can get pg :)
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Thanks hunni, my bleeding has almost stopped, its 5 days today.
Fingers crossed for you babe, hope you get your bfp soon xx
I had a natural miscarriage at 6+3 and I bled for 2 weeks. The first week was very heavy for me but was glad i didn't need a d&c xxxx hope ur doing ok lovely xxxx
I miscarried at just over 8 weeks - but was measuring 6 weeks 2 days - lasted rougly a week and a month from start of bleed got my period - and plus side that month we conceived again - loads of love xoxo
Thanks Laura, the bleeding has really tailed off today, have had a headache for two days and feel weary more than anything. I have to do another test on Thursday and if its positive I have to ring the hospital. Wish this headache and horrible fuzzy feeling would go away though xx
I miscarried at just over 8 weeks - but was measuring 6 weeks 2 days - lasted rougly a week and a month from start of bleed got my period - and plus side that month we conceived again - loads of love xoxo

Wow, so you got your cycle back almost immediately. I've read that some women don't ovulate again for a while after, congratulations to you :) xx
I had medical management hunny so i dont have any personal experiance with your questions but i did read plenty of stories and everyone is different, with some people it last days other people it can last weeks x x

It's just annoying M2A, the hospital gave me no info whatsoever!! xx
If I remember right I miscarried on 6th march and had my AF by 14th april - I then got a BFP on 19th may xxxx
It's just annoying M2A, the hospital gave me no info whatsoever!! xx

I know how you feel hunny, i went in the morning i was booked in, they had nothing ready and then when it was over with they offered me no advice, they didnt even give me a leaflet to explain anything so the first month i was walking around not knowing what was going to happen, when i was going to stop bleeding and when my af was going to turn up! So i turned to stories on the net and wish i never.
I know its very hard and very fustrating hunny but keep your chin up. If you ever need a chat, just give me a shout :hugs: x x

If I remember right I miscarried on 6th march and had my AF by 14th april - I then got a BFP on 19th may xxxx

Wow!!! I don't think I'm ready to ttc again, or even if I even want to again but it's great to know that it can happen again so quickly xxx
It's just annoying M2A, the hospital gave me no info whatsoever!! xx

I know how you feel hunny, i went in the morning i was booked in, they had nothing ready and then when it was over with they offered me no advice, they didnt even give me a leaflet to explain anything so the first month i was walking around not knowing what was going to happen, when i was going to stop bleeding and when my af was going to turn up! So i turned to stories on the net and wish i never.
I know its very hard and very fustrating hunny but keep your chin up. If you ever need a chat, just give me a shout :hugs: x x

Me too, no leaflet or anything! I didn't know if it would hurt, if i should stay in bed - nothing!!! I also then googled it, BIG mistake!! xx
Definetly a big mistake hunny, google is evil, i had all thoughts going round in my head but i have now had 2 af's and im currently in my 2ww.
My cycles are abit longer than they used to be and my af's have been quite heavy. Just hang in there hunny :hugs: x x

I had 2 mc's last year, the first at 10 weeks and the second around 6 . I didn't have a d&c for either and the bleeding lasted about a week. I got a leaflet from the hospital about miscarriages and on the front cover of it there was one of they russian dolls broken in half with tears running down it's face. I thought it was a bit sick and insensitive. It def wasn't much help anyways. Hope your ok hun, look after yourself xxx

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