I think I have finally got it

i would sleep through a war.

never mind Harley crying lol
i agree beanie - as long as you read up on all the info before you amke your decision whether it be co sleeping (did this occasionally when alex was wee) or tummy sleeping. motherhood is all about instinct and some instincts are based on info others on gut feelings.

alex has been a tummy baby since about 4 weeks but as i have said before he could hold his head up and turn his head tot he side easily. like someone said earlier (sorry i cant remember your name and i cant scrollback far enough!) the sensor pads are a great reassurance.

i read a facinating artilce about a Dr in New Zealand that has studied cot death and believes 100% its down to a toxins that build up in the mattress - some due to general bacteria etc and some due to chemicals used in fire proofing stuff. they do mattress wrapping over there and when they did a study of those who used the mattress wrapping there were 0 cot deaths. they said it was unlikely that they would ever get it recognised as because government insists on fire proofing if the chems turned out to be harmful then they could end up liable for Billions.

whether this is right or not who knows but was an interesting point of view.

always make sure i wash the cover of Al's mattress now though!

Yes I read an article by that guy too. You can get the mattress wrapper on ebay because I got one for Elliott before he was born. The HVs scare you so much about cot death and on the evidence that they have but when you question them about it the truth is that no one really knows why it happens all they have are some factors that they have observed from statistics. Although having said that the Bristol Uni study into childhood (children of the 90s) which was the study that first drew attention to the back sleeping thing has recently had a breakthrough where they reckon that it's to do with a gene that affects the breathing reflex so that babies that are affected don't find it easy to start breathing again after they've been starved of air so that makes sense of some of the other results because they are all to do with things that can affect the baby breathing properly.

It's such a difficult issue as you always feel that if something dreadful were to happen and you hadn't done as advised then you would be found negligent and you would feel so guilty. Or maybe that's just me? I moved back to my bedroom after 12 weeks of sleeping in the same room as Elliott for various reasons to do with the health of all of us but I felt so nervous about it despite "knowing" it was right for us all just because of the advice. His headboard is the other side of the wall to mine and the walls are paper thin to the extent where he turns over I wake up but I still worried about it. It's partly why I got one of those mattress wrappers actually. Being a parent is so hard and sometimes it's hard to trust your instincts when they fly in the face of the advice that you're given by health professionals.

Hi Thanks for you replys

Bailey has very good head support and I do worry about the tummy sleeping I consiuously wake during the night and check him every 3 hours to see if he is ok it has been a few weeks now and I am now slowly relaxing.

Sarah x
Glad he is doing well and hopefully you'll relax soon and enjoy getting some kip too!

just you wait - alex loves being on his tummy so much he now rolls over in the bath!

Technology nowadays i.e sensor monitors! allow our LO's to sleep on their tummys and give us piece of mind. When my LO stops breathing an alarm is set off therefore giving me time to save him. Personally I dont feel with that I am putting my LO at risk. I am letting him sleep peacefully through the night.

Dont get me wrong, dont know what I'd do without my monitor!
Damien has a monitor when he sleeps in his cot, and he rolls onto his tummy to sleep himself now.

I co-sleep with Damien in the morning for his naps but get woken up by being booted in the stomach and pulling my nose! I know the risks for him are alot higher with his reflux, but I wake easily to him and have always woken up and been aware of him.

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