I had my private scan tonight and having...

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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A boy! I'm so shocked because for some reason everyone had a feeling it would be a girl and I only had names for girls. But so happy as I didn't mind what it was as long as healthy. I'm so excited. Glot about 5 pics and two were 3d but baby kept hiding his head in placenta. Better get my thinking cap on for boys names. Xx

I know how you feel - I was convinced I was having a boy, had the perfect name, was only interested in boys clothes and would have put money on it - of course, found out im having a girl, lol!
Its cool though, and im now loving the fact im going to have a daughter!
Maybe we shud swop names, lol!
Congratulations Emma! It's so weird how we get these feelings we are having a certain sex - I have a really strong feeling I'm having a boy and if a girl pops out I will be so suprised - but it's all part of the fun and I'll be happy either way! Congrats again on your little man! xx
Lol my girl names were lillie and sophie. Ill have to keep them in mind for next baby. Its so good to refer to baby as he :) xx
Congratulations on your blue bump! :)

We're convinced we're having a boy so whats the betting it's a girl! lol Either way who cares as long as baby's happy and healthy! :)

woohooo congratulations!! im convinced minesa little girl!!! will wait and see ey!!
Congratulations! I had a strong gut instinct from about 12 weeks that it was a girl and I was right, but I spent most of my time looking at boys clothes before I found out.

I still like to peek at boys clothes (I'm more of a blue person than a pink!) but I'm getting used to buying pink things and can't wait to meet my little girl :)
Congratulations to you Emma , on joinging Team blue - I'm having a boy and it's lovely!

Boys are soo loving and free giving of hugs than girls X
Yay, congratulations! Good luck with the name finding! I'm the same, got loads of girls names but no boys. Thinking cap on!
Yay congrats!!!! I
Must have crap instinct cos before 12 week scan I was convinced it was a boy then after I was convinced it was a girl now I'm back to boy :) can't wait till my 4d scan in Feb! Although I'm hoping I'll spot something at my 20 week scan on Friday :) wish they could just tell me!

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wow congrats emma! aww a little man! i think mines a boy too x
Thanks girls! I tell my family on christmas day, eeeeeek they will be so surprised! Xx

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