I had a big boo at asda other day... :D

Ooh this is one of my pet hates! :shakehead: isnt it amazing how many people do this. I never did it because my Aunt is disabled and so I have a real thing about disabled spaces being used up by non disabled people!

As this is my first baby and not a lot of my mates have kids when I mentioned it once quite a few said to me 'oh I park in M & B space cos its closer to the shop'. Eh? :doh: I was really surprised cos why would you deliberately use a space thats meant for a particular group of people - ie not you! Same goes for Doctors spaces, keep clear spaces and yellow lines. Give em all tickets!! LOL

I used one for the first time yesterday (look at my ticker) and recently my car has been scratched to pieces (by others) so I wont do it to anyone else as it costs a fortune to get it repaired! Lets start a revolt of challenging people!

Its impossible getting in and out my car now with this front bump :oops:
I wish there were pregnant mother spaces.. it would make going to mothercare so much easier lol
I really hate people parking in those spaces when they dont have kids, I have to bit my tongue though as I have Isabella with me. :evil: :evil:
At my tescos you are supposed to use the M&B OR Disabled spots, but I can never bring myself to park in a disabled space.
They should have a sign saying M&B and Disabled or something.
The disabled/old people don't seem to mind parking in MB though :?
It drives me crazy when people park in those bays when they don't have children. Also, I've noticed mums parking in those spaces when they have teenage children!
They don't realise it's a necessity for us to have those spaces because otherwise you can't get the baby in and out.
And, I'm always scared to say anything because they all seem to be aggressive idiots. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:
god everytime someone posts bout this makes me realise how lucky i am!
at our tesco its actually barrierd (spl) off, and u need to have a card to get in so there are always spaces and u dont have twats that dont have kids parking in there id get in a rite stress if i did have to put up with them twats

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