I think mother and baby parking spaces should be.....

I've not actually been able to park in a mother & baby space yet as they are always full. If I find out they are filled with people NOT ELIGIBLE...I will not be responsible for my actions. :twisted:
yes it annoyes me too. i joined a facebook group awhile ago called "dont park in the parent and toddler spaces you lazy pricks!" :lol:

they should definately be for mothers (and fathers!) with children under the age of five! (so NO it doesnt count if u have a 12-year-old with you!) i wouldnt mind so much a heavily pregnant lady using them, but i still think people with kiddies and car-seats come first- theyre a bugger to get out. i dont think preggas women should be fined, but everyone else- cough up! :evil:
Best one yet tonight

Parked in the one free parent and baby parking space left. As we were going toward the store a middle aged couple came out pushing a trolly filled with cases of lager. Filled! To the top. And guess where they were parked? Yup, the parent and baby parking space nearest the store :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

As we were leaving another middle aged couple parked next to us. No kids, no car seats. But in a parent/baby parking space. Across from us in the next row were about 20 empty parking spaces. But no, they obviously didn't want to run the risk of another car parking too close.

Am seriously going to phone and complain to the store tomorrow. Its getting beyond a joke now if a trolley filled with lager means a parent can't park safely with their child.

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