Driving - What gets you mad?

Man i have heaps:

Old people, i use to drive some of the old farts and they always thought they could drive but they really couldn't.

4 WD, used to have one, now think they are bad

old people on 4WD, don't drive a car that is too big to handle (doctor's car park on tuesday, sill old cow took 5 attempts to get out i did it in two)

BMWs think it is bad of a manufacturer to let a car on the road that does not have indicators as standard.

when in a long queue somone who takes the faaster moving lane and then cuts into the slower one closer to the front, get in the lane you want from the start arsewipe.

Asda this morning, some silly pr1ck who had child ar seats in his car but no kids with him, still parked in the parent and child car partks.

Mothers with older kids who park in child and parent car parks. If the kid can get out themselves i don't think you need the extra width. And usually with the sizes of their bums they need the exercising of parking further away.

And that is jsut this week's driving, i'll come back next week.

charlie84 said:
LisaJ1986 said:
I've just been to Asda. On my way into the car park i was on the main bit of road driving to the child bays when this old lady pulls out of another row, WITHOUT LOOKING IN FRONT OF HER, and only just missed me (She only missed coz i slammed my breaks on!) If i'd have carried on going, without a doubt she'd be sat in my door right now! She didn't even look my way! I nearly cried. Then, just for no reason, she stopped. Right there in the middle of the road. No signal, nothing. I decided after waiting a little while to go round her! I just wanted to take her licence off her there and then! Why oh why could it have not been a police car there instead of me?!?

I was shaking. Not only with tear but with anger too!!!

As she had stopped if it were me i think i would have had to have said something. People cannot drive like that.

I think that something needs to be done such as a kind of driving license renewal test thing every 5-10yrs maybe. I mean the road rules and the amount of traffic has changed over the years and will continue to change so everyone should be made to update their road knowledge IYKWIM.

When i was pregnant we were going around a roundabout and a young lad in his corsa smacked the side of our car. We stopped and OH and the lad got out to swap details etc, but i thought i would get out too and the poor lad was a bit :? that he had hit a car with a pregnant lady in it :lol: Lets just say his piddly corsa came off alot worse than OH vectra

If it wasn't raining and there wasn't a queue behind me i would have said something. OH told me that i should have let her hit me, it was the driver side therefore Angel wouldn't have been affected. But i daren't.
LisaJ1986 said:
charlie84 said:
LisaJ1986 said:
I've just been to Asda. On my way into the car park i was on the main bit of road driving to the child bays when this old lady pulls out of another row, WITHOUT LOOKING IN FRONT OF HER, and only just missed me (She only missed coz i slammed my breaks on!) If i'd have carried on going, without a doubt she'd be sat in my door right now! She didn't even look my way! I nearly cried. Then, just for no reason, she stopped. Right there in the middle of the road. No signal, nothing. I decided after waiting a little while to go round her! I just wanted to take her licence off her there and then! Why oh why could it have not been a police car there instead of me?!?

I was shaking. Not only with tear but with anger too!!!

As she had stopped if it were me i think i would have had to have said something. People cannot drive like that.

I think that something needs to be done such as a kind of driving license renewal test thing every 5-10yrs maybe. I mean the road rules and the amount of traffic has changed over the years and will continue to change so everyone should be made to update their road knowledge IYKWIM.

When i was pregnant we were going around a roundabout and a young lad in his corsa smacked the side of our car. We stopped and OH and the lad got out to swap details etc, but i thought i would get out too and the poor lad was a bit :? that he had hit a car with a pregnant lady in it :lol: Lets just say his piddly corsa came off alot worse than OH vectra

If it wasn't raining and there wasn't a queue behind me i would have said something. OH told me that i should have let her hit me, it was the driver side therefore Angel wouldn't have been affected. But i daren't.

I had a women pull out on me at tescos, like you if i hadnt braked she would have gone into the side of me. At the time OH told me i should have just let her hit me but i said as he was the passenger he would have gotton injured as she would have hit him and at the time i was driving a 'piddly' corsa :lol:

And do you know what she did when she realised she just kinda waved at me smiling - silly cow :evil:
1. The show offs who do 70 in a 40 - putting everyone else at risk because they want to show off their cars.
2. Those who don't indicate
3. People who just dont look esp when pulling out of a junction!
4. OLD PEOPLE who drive toooooo slow ie. below the speed limit
5. People who stop in the middle of the road to chat to their mates in the car next to them
6. People on mobile phones ESP ON THE MOTORWAY!!! (We were on the motorway the other weekend going down to Brighton & the guy infront was on his mobile, it was like 8pm so dark and his van was swaying all over the bl88dy motorway :twisted: ) Its terrible that some people just don't care, if they wanna kill themselves then thats up to them but to put others in danger because they're too lazy to pull over is selfish!!!
7. Women who do their makeup whilst driving; You get it all the time round here esp as we have all the stewardesses living in our town.
8. People who drive with dogs in the front!!
9. People who don't say thank you
10. People who are looking for a house, driving sooooooo slowly without indicating. (Copied Urchin but I hate this too lol)

I'm sure there are loaaaads more lol
Foreign lorry drivers. My job is a delivery driver (white van woman :lol: ) and I work near the channel tunnel so see a lot of useless lorry drivers on the roads.

People that drive slow, they should NOT be holding up traffic and driving up to the speed limit.
people abusing the parent and toddler spaces

people driving up my bum

people driving too slow in the fast lane

people cutting past me to get to slip roads (especially when i got my princess in the back :twisted: )

people not letting me out of a side road

people going thru the lights in heavy traffic, so they are blocking the way for me at crossroads :evil:

people who pull out of a side road or slip road without looking and cause me to swerve :evil:

i really hate driving coz i get road rage a bit :oops:

there are 2 things i myself am guilty of, i:

more than 50% of the time i forget to indicate

when one lane of traffic is closed for roadworks and there are signs, causing one queue of very slow moving traffic and one free lane which eventually at the top is closed for the roadworks, im afraid i will nearly always whizz up the free lane right to the end and then indicate to "push-in" so queue-jumping really. i get away with it mostly coz i look like a little girl! and im driving an obviously baby-carrying car due to the cat/whiskers sunscreens in the windows so most drivers will let me in when i do this! :oops:
ok i have loooooooooooooads but heres 2 for now..

crashing into a wall with the back and front of my car and writing it off :(

and youve been tangoed dizzy bints in 206 cc's which daddy has bought them who i slow down for to let out of a junction and there not looking at me cos there too busy pouting at something with a pulse:| :| :| :| so i stop completely and bib angrily at :shhh: :shhh: :shhh: :shhh:

and breathe!!!! :lol:
one thing that really bugs me is people that smoke when driving. Well not so much smoking, but more lighting up whilst on the move.

Slow drivers i understand - people are not always as confident as others. And people that make the odd mistake, and seem apologetic for it i understand.

Cocky drivers who act like they rule the road annoy me. and those who take stupid risks... So they don't care for their own lives, but i care about mine and those in my car (well i don't drive, so its my OH's car! lol)!!

Oh, and all the stupid boy racers down the seafront (not those who are just out to meet with friends, park up and show off cars - the ones that drive like nutcases down my mums road at stupid hours with music way too loud and engines that sound like they are a plane taking off!!! :wall: ).

Oh, and today - the one in the blue pug that thought that the white lines across the road he was comming out off meant he could drive out in front of us, meaning OH had to brake hard - Not stop and wait for a safe time to exit the road like the highway code says! :x :wall:

I agree that people should be tested more - once every 15 years or something - but if they do, it should be free (or dirt cheap) unless they fail and then they have to pay through the nose for more lessons and resits.

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