I guess this is where I belong...for now?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Hi fellow WTT's, I suppose I should introduce myself, I am a mummy of two plus an angel baby, ds is 7 and dd is 3. I live with my partner (not the father of my two munchkins, he isn't on the scene by his own choice) and have been on the mini pill for 5 months, after having to change over from the depo injection after adverse side effects. Unfortunately the cerazette isn't working for me either as I am having similar side effects to being on the depo. I have constant headaches, bleeding one week on, one week off, extreme mood swings to the extent I am perfectly fine one minute and crying uncontrollably the next, over the slightest thing! I am snappy, and exhausted constantly, to be honest I don't know how on earth my partner is putting up with me!! Because of this my Dr has suggested either sticking with the pill, having a coil fitted, or using barrier methods. OH has agreed grinning and bearing it staying on the pill and ibuprofen is not a good idea for us as it is not healthy for me to be going up and down so spontaneously and often so I will be coming off the cerazette, but we know the coil is more of a long term contraception and we will want to try for a baby together within the next year or so so we are pretty much left with the barrier method! However, saying that, in the couple of months between going from the injection to the mini pill, we were advised to use condoms and we didn't like them so I reminded OH of that and how useless we were at remembering to use them and wanting to use them so he is considering he not trying - not preventing option...personally I would love another baby, but I know he needs to think about it so I will keep taking the pill until he says so..but my fingers are crossed that he gives me th go ahead to come off the pill soon, because if anything, I'd just like to feel like me again :-(
Oh sounds rough! I too react terribly to the hormone based contraceptives. we use condoms if we remember and the rest of the time is i suppose a sort of natural family planning method! you know your body so do what feels right! Will be thinking of you and say a prayer that your fella gets to feeling as broody as you :) welcome here anyway :D
Awww thanks bookworm, had a chat with OH last night and he told me to stop taking the pill and we will see how we go, reassess in a couple of weeks how my hormones are balancing out, until then if we remember to use a condom, well we use one. However, he wasn't fussed about using one an hour after our chat so he can't be that bothered about preventing pregnancy lol. He agreed if it happens it happens, if it doesn't then we look into trying properly and planning every romp, somewhere down the line :) xx
Twinkle toes I have a feeling you won't be in this section for very long! :)
Lol I'm kind of in limbo because we aren't actively trying to get pregnant but we aren't preventing it...am hoping I can graduate to the next step soon though *crosses fingers* do I move to TTC or stick about in here in case it doesn't happen? Xx
I suggest chatting in both boards, then we all get to chat to you :)
I'm guessing you might end up in the Am I pregnant area quite a bit though. Coming off those pesking hormones can feel a lot like being pregnant and if your NTNP it might be hard to work out the difference. I hope it doesn't torture you for too long.
awww thats good, and yeah chat on a few boards when you cant be pigeonholed into just one :D
I have started a journal in the TTC journals for anyone who wants to read it or offer advice to various things I post in there :)

Best wishes xx

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