Ladies using the mini pill


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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How long did it take for your body to be back to normal after coming off the mini pill? I had my boy in jan this year and would like to start ttc when he is about three. I have pcos so not sure how that will affect things but interested how the mini pill alone affects you ladies. Thanks in advance.xx
Hi hun, didn't want to read and run. I don't have any advice on the mini pill but good luck and hope it doesn't take long for your body to return to normal
I was on cerazette last time ttc and went straight back into 34 day cycles when I came off - ov on day 19/20....(got bfp 3rd cycle) I was on it this time too and got af 21 days after coming off (never had period while on it) not sure yet what my next cycle will be like ?
I was on cerezette before ttc. I stopped the pill september no period till jan then fell preg xx
I was on Micronor, stopped at Easter '11 and carried on with condoms until end of June and fell pregnant first try, sadly miscarried but I think it left my system very quickly.

With this pill there can be negative effects. I started this pill in Sept 2012 after I gave birth to my second child. I took it for almost 1 year, the entire time I breastfed him and didn't have a period at all. I then stopped taking the pill in June 2013 because my hubby and I wanted another child. It is now November 2014 and I still haven't been able to concieve. I was told be a nurse that the pill can build up a lining on your uterus and it can take 1-1/2 years to shed it. Because your body doesn't have a period your old stuff doesn't have a place to go and just builds up. And to top it off, the pills made me stop producing eggs. I had to be put on Provera (Not DEPO) so that it would help me produce progesterone and I would start making eggs again. So be wary of this pill. I will never as long as I live take another birth control pill again. This pill messed me up so bad!! It has been about 1-1/2 years since I stopped taking them. I am currently 4 days late with negative tests.

I'm hoping to be pregnant, but not banking on it because Feb 2014 was when I didn't have a period at all and my body had stopped making eggs so I couldn't concieve then. I'm praying that this isn't the case this time. I don't wanna have to go back on pills to make me ovulate and make eggs again.

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