I got the WALK OUT! Oooooh.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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My OH has really pissed me off today. The morning started off nice. He told me to stay in bed and have a nice lie in when my DD got up at 8am--since I'd only had a 3 hour restless sleep (still getting over a nasty virus). So I thanked him--called him a wonderful hubby--etc and told him to not let me sleep too late because obviously I wanted to have a nice day as a family... Ok--so he gets up with 2 yr old DD and the first thing I hear is the tv go on. (One of my pet hates--and OH knows this--I don't like her watching too much tv) I don't say anything and try to go back to sleep. I was surprised when I next woke up as the clock said 12! I had slept for 4 hours! So I get up and as I'm approaching the livingroom (still don't know if OH heard me approaching or not) but I hear him say "I'm gonna clear some of this shit up..." (talking to himself but right in front of DD which is inexcuseable!) and I walk in to find him clearing out our 'semi important paper' drawer--you know where you put the bills that can wait a bit longer to be paid, personal letters to friends you have yet to answer, receipts--etc. I also see my DD in a zombie state staring at the tv--OH hadn't even opened the curtains and he must have had a cigarette or two in the kitchen which is a big no no around my daughter! Lovely! SO...I keep my cool and the first thing I asked was "Can you just hold off on that till I get a chance to go through my papers?" (He gives me a dirty look and walks into the kitchen) Then I ask "How long's she been watching tv?" (Because I heard it go on 4 hours ago at 8am.) OH goes "I just turned it on for Roly Mole so she's only had it on a little while." I prod him a bit more and find out a little while means 45 minutes in man speech. Then he goes "She's been so awkward today, she screams when I try to turn the tv off, she won't eat..." and I said "Well have you tried getting out her toys?" All he had in the room was her table and chairs--most of her toys I put in the little cubbyhole at night because we have no space! (He knows this!) And that's when he loses it---"How about a fucking thankyou for all I've done! I've fed her, I've clothed her and all I get is shit from you! The tv's been on for a couple hours and you think you have the right to scream at me! (SEE LADIES--FIRST IT WAS ON A LITTLE WHILE, THEN 45 MINS, NOW A COUPLE HOURS!) I'm not havin this!" And the jerk puts his coat on and walks out the door. (He's done the walk out to me many times--once he was gone all night walking the streets of London and I was scared whitless--phoning him and of course he had it turned off...this was on Valentine's Day, ladies.) I ran to the door and said "And of course you did nothing wrong? Using filthy language in front of her... You're never in the wrong are ya? Always the poor victim being "screamed at"---well I wasn't screaming before but I AM NOW--GET LOST!" :x

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. What a jerk. Can't reason his way out of an argument like I always can when I'm "in the wrong"--he can't explain his actions like I always can---his first answer is to walk off. BUT IT NEVER MAKES THINGS BETTER! It only puts the bigger fight on hold till whenever the jerk decides to come home! It only prolongs all the ill feelings for hours! Doesn't he realise that? I've already made up my mind, I'm not calling him. I'm going to enjoy my day with my DD and try not to give him a thought. WHAT A JERK, HUH LADIES?!
My hubby does that... he always storms off after an argument... and after years of me phoning him I now dont bother and that bugs him even more!!

What really bugs me about my hubby when he does this is that when he comes home and he knows he's the one that was in the wrong he NEVER says sorry! He'll either come home with a bag of cookies or come home and cook dinner - but I'd rather he would just say sorry!!

Arrrrgggghhhh MEN!!
Why are men so arrogant??
My DF is the same, he never admits when hes in the wrong, its always my fault and he never says sorry and then the day after he forgots all whats happened and calls me all names under the sun if i dont forgive him straight away! :x
Really sorry to hear this not what you need really is it but have to agree that i think most men are like this and will always be that way!

Has he turned up yet??

All me and my hubby seem to argue about at the moment is not making love enough! I always fall asleep at night i am so sleepy in the evening and can't help it but he seems to think im doing it because i don't want him and we have a row which i really don't need but he does not understand that i am sleepy and not being a cow!

Hope you get it all sorted and he see's he was in the wrong!! :hug:
Mr. Lovely turned up a couple hours later. The 2 hour walk had turned him into an arthritic old man, as it was SO COLD outside, andwhen I let him in (saying "Back so soon?" :lol: ) he scowled at me and hobbled around here for a couple more hours just generally trying to get my attention and sympathy as if I had kicked him out and made him walk the streets! No apology of course. He just stood outside smoking and drinking his tea before he decided to give up the act and ask us if we wanted to go to the park! So the day got better after that. We both sort of forgot it, best of all he didn't get his reaction, so I'm pleased with myself for staying strong!

I don't get him sometimes... He can be the most womderful man, and I know he looks on my DD as his own. They get along great and it touches me to see them together but sometimes he overdoses on stupid man juice or something! It's like he purposely does things screwy so I don't ask him to do it again (mind you I didn't ask to get up so early--he offered)....Reminds me of the time my mother dared to ask my dad to wash the dishes one night...the end result was so pathetic that she never asked him to do it again... If you're wondering if it's possible for dishes to look worse after being 'washed dad style' than they did when they were 'dirty', the answer is YES! :roll:
Barmi_Brummeh said:
Oooo men :evil: tw@s!! think we shud all turn lesbian :D wooo lmao

OMG, don't even go there. After I had my DD in 2004 I went through a funny time that very few people (not even my hubby) know about. I seriously thought I was turning into a lesbian. Pm me if you want more info! :oops: :lol:
lol poor you hun men are such children, I know how you feel Ian has walked out a few times and at the weekend he was such a t0ss*r and was too hung over to get up and spend time with his son (after only getting home the night before and going back away that day) that i went to wake him and he just said he couldnt cope was finding somewhere else to live so i walked out oon him, c ame back about an hour later after having a lovely drink in the nearest cafe and he actually clapped and said fair play babes i had to get up then didnt i haha all was good as it always is, men are just idiots obviously a lower class of intelligance and basically dont think at all!
i wish i couldsay not all men are idiots, but 93% of them are. the rest of the 7% is still undecided.
mine just goes into a sulk for a few days (3 or $) depending on my grevius offence). i am crying to myself hese days but i am gonna be strong cos they all need to be dealt a dose of their medicine.

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