I got my own way!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I always wanted a rocking chair for the nursery and hubbie said no, I've chipped away got months and he has eventually said yes :D so I braved blizzards to get one today and have given jack his bedtime story in the rocker I've always wanted :) small things and small minds I know but I had to share :rofl:
I call it 'planting the seed and watching it grow' ;) It works here every time, even the kids have noticed how Daddy can say no to them but I eventually get everything I ask for :yay:
horrrayyyy!the rocking is good for children's vestibular development. Men can't argue with science! :)
Oh I would so love a rocking chair!!! I'll start planting the seed now so he thinks it's his idea in 6 months time :)
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Thats the way it works megsmeadow ;)
:yay: Sounds lovely.. I'm sure it was worth the wait :)
Rocking chairs are awesome! I would love one but i don't have the room :( xx
:yay: I would love one too! Have you got a piccie?
:yay: Love rocking chairs. I've already (prior to ever mentioning babies) said to the OH that I would love a rocking chair ANYway so I know he's stored it away in his little (and I do mean little) memory bank for if we ever have a baby :yay: to getting one - and I agree - piccie please!

Ahhh MrsH - and you can tell him that it'll be even handier for babba number 2 :good:
Ooh, I want one, but no room! Good on you for getting there finally x

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