I give up :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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Lets just say im out for this month :cry: AF hasnt arrived yet but iv already done 3 pregnancy tests and all BFN.. I did one this morning and BFN! And surely it would of showed up by now because im on 12dpo and AF is due on saturday.. and plus not enough symptoms to be pregnant.. Im really dissapointed :( Good luck anyone else getting there BFP :)
Hun, the good thing is you have not had AF, also even if you have tested BFN then it doesnt mean you are not pregnant. Sometimes people take 2 weeks after AF was due to show! Sometimes longer i have heard... Also i didnt even know i was pregnant until I was 6 weeks with my first, yeah ok at about 5 weeks I had sore boobs but that was it! Nothing else early on at all... dont give up and good luck! :hug:
Didnt you test after you missed AF? Thats helped :) Just not feeling that good either.. Got a bad headache.. stuffy nose and feel really weak and my boobs are hurting so its making me in a bad mood :( Plus when all you keep seeing is a BFN all the time it just makes you want to give up..
As Sammy said, some women don't get a positive until after AF is due so you're not neccessarily out just yet. :hug:

But if AF does come lots of baby dust to you for next month :hug:
No i didnt test as we were not TTC. I came off the pill to give my body a break as i abused the pill and never stopped taking it from one month to the next so i wouldnt have a period (not proud of that looking back!) We said we would be careful but we werent and then we split up. One day i sat in a bar one afternoon and said to my friend, "god my boobs are sore and i think im late but i dont know how much by" She told me to test. We went and got a test straight away, i tested and it was definate BFP. Went to docs who scanned me there and then after a prod about of my tummy and confirmed I was about 6 weeks pregnant. It was not a particularly happy time for me as we had split up for 3 weeks. So no, i didnt know until the sore boobs bit. Following that I had excruciating stomach cramps more or less a day or two later which subsided and then i had no symptoms at all. Dont give up... its not all all over yet hun :hug: :pray:
I know how you feel I'm now 4 days late but 4 bfn so not sure what that means - knowing my luck I've started the change (I'm 43 and always regular as clockwork!) - lol! I have 1 cb digital left and can't face another not pregnant (don't you think that statement is so cruel - perhaps it should say - "sorry not today" ) so I'm not doing it! I felt sick this morning too. All previous pregnancies have been bfp on the day af was due (even the last unexpected one) so its all a bit odd. Perhaps someone here has heard that twins are more likely to show as bfn on early tests, I read it somewhere but it doesn't make sense to me 2 babies = 2hcg surely??

I just checked my dates from last BFP and I got a very faint BFP on the morning of 13 DPO which gradually got stronger over the next few days so I think if I'd have tested on 12 DPO then I'd have got a BFN, hope that helps :hug: :hug:
san said:
I know how you feel I'm now 4 days late but 4 bfn so not sure what that means - knowing my luck I've started the change (I'm 43 and always regular as clockwork!) - lol! I have 1 cb digital left and can't face another not pregnant (don't you think that statement is so cruel - perhaps it should say - "sorry not today" ) so I'm not doing it! I felt sick this morning too. All previous pregnancies have been bfp on the day af was due (even the last unexpected one) so its all a bit odd. Perhaps someone here has heard that twins are more likely to show as bfn on early tests, I read it somewhere but it doesn't make sense to me 2 babies = 2hcg surely??

Good luck hun! If i were you id test :) If it does say not pregnant and AF still doesnt show up in another couple of days go to doctors hun..

And yes mrs_metal that does help :) I just thought most people get there BFP on 10-11dpo..
i didnt get a positive test this time till AF was 4 days late, good luck hun :pray:
something you just said makes me think dont give up! one of the first symptoms i had was a stuffed up nose and intermittant(sp?) headaches- followed a week later by sore boobs then a feeling AF was about to arrive any second but never did, then my sense of smell was really strong- then about 2 weeks after AF was due the strong smells made me want to heave!

don't give up just yet!!
fran_23 said:
something you just said makes me think dont give up! one of the first symptoms i had was a stuffed up nose and intermittant(sp?) headaches- followed a week later by sore boobs then a feeling AF was about to arrive any second but never did, then my sense of smell was really strong- then about 2 weeks after AF was due the strong smells made me want to heave!

don't give up just yet!!

Sounds good :D Iv had a snuffy nose for about 2 weeks but today its got runny but i can still breathe threw it so im not sure if its a cold or not.. And as for the headaches i had them on and off last week.. they stopped for 2days and got them back now but maybe its because im tired.. Woke up at 2 in morning feeling ill and my boobs in pain so couldnt sleep.. But hey always next month if not this month and i can try even harder :)

Thanks ladies :D :hug:
whats the saying?? its not over until the witch gets ya!
good luck :hug: :hug:
Most people dont get their BFP until at least 14 dpo, and although I was getting very faint BFP's on cheapies earlier, I did NOT get a BFP on clearblue digital until 14 dpo........they are not as sensitive as the 10MIU cheapies you can get on ebay, which I was using early!

Also Im now 5.5 weeks pregnant and still have very few symptoms.....in fact this was the month I had no symptoms at all, which made me wonder if I could be pregnant.

I really only have sore BB's now and that only started a couple of days ago!
Hi hunni,

:hug: :hug: :hug: Please dont give up. You need to stop stressing and relax a bit i think. You WILL get you're BFP soon.

Sending loads of baby dust to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hun....I am guilty of it too, so im not having a go...BUT we shouldent even really be testing till after AF is late, and most tests do say " TEST AS EARLY AS THE FIRST DAY OF A MISSED PERIOD" They say that for a reason...because in some/most women the HCG levels are not strong enough to be detected.

My friend did a test and had a BFN, when she was 4 days late! and didnt get her BFP untill she was 2 WEEKS LATE!

You do have some good symptoms...try to keep calm (easier said than done I know) and let nature take its course. wait untill your late..then re-test.and if AF does show, then allow yourself to be dissapointed, but your not out of the race yet. :hug:
I had no symtoms till I was around 6wks with both mine (so god knows why I symptom spot from 1DPO now lol).

I also got terrible colds with both my pregnancies early on so the stuffy nose could be a good sign. When are you due AF hun?
Thanks ladies :D AF is ment to arrive on saturday but normaly its either a day early or a day late.. I dont know why i keep testing.. Iv been obsessing too much on the internet and it shows alot of people testing early.. It gets addicting :lol:

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