fed up and Depressed

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Nov 17, 2007
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Hi all (sorry to be so Miserable) I’m so fed up and depressed at the moment my AF was due on the 21/22nd Jan and has still not arrived I tested on the 26/27th and both a BFN :cry: Still no AF and no signs of it coming either my cycles has been 28 to 30 days never this late (i have missed a complete month of af now) :wall: What is going on!!!!!!!! Sorry to go on but no one else understands. :cry:
you're not going on :hug: its bloody annoying and the one time you wish AF would arrive so you can get on with it.

you haven't tested since the 26th/27th? Maybe time for another test?
Oh my god how annoying! You expect a missing period = BFP. Oh bless you honey. No period is always good sign!!!
No I haven’t done another test since I really don’t think I am PG this month I didn’t bed much last month and haven’t had any symptoms. :?

I’m going to go to the docs tomorrow though to see what he say's as I have been really light headed and dizzy lately I think my iron levels are down again. :(

Just wish AF would turn up so i know where I am!!!!!! :wall: :wall: Sorry to go on!!!! :bored:
Maybe your a bit rundown and being upset about being late could hold it off longer. My cycles were all over the place as soon as i started ttc, the longest i went was 60 odd days, then found out i had pcos. I hope the doctor sheds some light for you :hug:
Oh yeah, I know how you feel. I just wrote number 87 next to today's date. This is how longs it's since my last period. I never wanted AF this badly :hug:

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