I feel really depressed and don't want my baby :(

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May 9, 2011
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Okay please please please don't judge me for this, but i don't have anybody else to talk to...

I've just been feeling really down and unhappy throughout the whole of my pregnancy and am constantly crying. I'm 19 and the pregnancy was not planned but I was happy-ish at the beginning. However since then, I just don't feel excited at all and feel sick/unhappy when I think about my baby boy. I don't feel any love or connection towards him, in fact I somewhat resent him a bit because (and I hate hate hate saying this, i feel like the worst person in the world! :cry: ) I really don't want to be pregnant, i don't want a baby. I know this makes me sound like the worst person in the world but I hate what my life has become. I don't feel any excitment whatsoever when I go to buy baby outfits and stuff, I hate going shopping for baby things and when I look at his cot in the corner of my room with all the bedding and his mobile, I just feel sad and scared. I know this sounds terrible but sometimes I hope I'll lose the baby because I just can't cope, and I hate myself even more for having those thoughts.

I just don't know what to do, I hate what my life has become and I just want to feel happy again :( All I do is just sleep and cry and feel like crap.

Does anyone else feel this way/have a similar experience? I want to feel happy again what can I do?

:hug: It's not uncommon to feel the way that you do - even people who have tried for months for a desperately wanted baby can feel this way, so please don't feel guilty about it. It's understandable that the thought of your whole life changing because of something unexpected can make you feel completely overwhelmed and possibly depressed about the future, but it's also possible that you're suffering from prenatal depression. Can you go and talk to your doctor or midwife about how you're feeling? There's nothing to feel bad about as so many people feel this way :hug: x
hi i really feel 4 u,when the baby is actually in your arms you'll love it more than u ever imagined possible.pregnancy hormones can do horrible things to your mind and body.youve come to the right place hun 2 chat on here,all the women are lovely and totally understanding...youre not on your own babe xxxxxx
I agree with Sam's Mum you really need to see your doctor who will hopefully refer you to some counselling, someone you can talk to openly who won't judge you and help you come to terms with everything that will happen. You have nothing to feel bad at all about though hun your not the first to feel this way and you won't be the last. Visiting your doc is def the best next step though. :hugs:x
(((Hugs))) hun. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. Don't feel bad about your feelings, you have been very brave and taken a huge step by talking about it on here already. Like the others have already said, I really think you need to talk to your mw or GP about how you are feeling hun and they will definitely be able to help. You're not the first to have these feelings and you moat certainly won't be the last. There are trained professionals out there who will know exactly how to help you hun and we are all here for you too xxx

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hi hun like the other girls have said think u need to speak to gp or mw does sound like u may have prenatal depression. Being pregnant is a really scary thing especially when u r young and its not planned. Have u got a good support network ? r u still at home ? with babies dad ? sorry for all questions !!! there is nothing to feel embrassed about i suffered with post natal depression with my first he was a planned longed for baby but still had moments where i would look at him and feel nothing. I loved him most of the time but every now and then i would just feel nothing. Got help including medication and the feelings went away, would die for my kids. hope u start to feel better hun. we r all here any time u need us xxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Hey hun..............u have taken a really brave step by admitting to yourself and letting it out that this is how u feel. It must be incredibly hard when u feel this way and being young and not having planned this. I haven't had any children before but I have had depression.......I really think u need to speak to your MW or gp and tell them how u feel, u need help hunny, your life can be better than this and u deserve it to be!! U are not a bad person for feeling this way and your baby, although u may feel no connection now may well become your world once he's here and your hormones have settled down!.........But primarily u need to deal with what u are feeling now, get help and just take things a day at a time!
Please, please, please see someone professional for help, it will take time and effort but u will get there hun.....be brave! (*BIG HUG*)
I can only repeat what the others have said.. you must talk to a mw or gp about this.. your hormones are raging its not your fault.. its common to feel scared and upset at the life changes you are going to have to make.. but just remember your life isnt over.. your creating life. We all feel this way at some point in our pregnancies, but when it gets too bad you have to get some help. Dont be ashamed or embarrassed.. youve taken a big step and opened up to us.. we will all be here for you through this if you want us to :hug:
hi hun. It is a very anxious time for all mums to be, especially if the pregnancy was not planned. Just remember - you probably feel like this partly because of the hormones that don't let you think/feel straight.

Don't worry, when the little one arrives, you will feel different! It might not happen overnight, but we all have mothers instincts, that will kick off after birth, and everything will be right again! xx
I agree with the others Hun!
U shouldn't feel ashamed of ur feelings and need to talk to someone about them.
I think pregnancy is so scary ESP If not planned plus the mad hormones just amplifies it all.
I am sure u will adore ur little man when he is here and be a great mum x

The girls have said what I was going to say, being preggo is tough for us all and u r not the only lady to go through this. I really hope u get the support, advise and help that u need and deserve and your life gets happier and better soon. There are lots of things that can be done to help you but u can't do this on your own. U r v brave already sharing your worst thoughts with us all and thats a good sign u will get better soon with the right help. Good luck honey xxxx
I agree with all above. When the time comes and you go through what we all go through, you may feel a complete bond with him and all those feelings of hate and resen may fade away. I felt very low a few months ago and didn't no why and still don't no why I did bu now I am nearly 3 weeks away I no that when i get to meet him, my world will be a better place. If you feel really scared there no harm in talking to your gp and mw and get some reassurance. you'll probably find they here this more so than you think xxx
i just read this back...scuse my terrible spelling xx
Hi hun didn't want to read and run but I have had similar thoughts and I feel ashamed too.
I don't know your situation but I'm not with babies dad anymore as he couldn't hack it and I feel resentment towards my little man sometimes about how he has 'ruined' my life.
I've just been prescribed anti depressants so hopefully that will help.
I'm hoping a lot of it is to do with hormones but still can't help feeling like it's the end of my life like the way it was... No more holidays to far away places, etc. selfish I know.
If you want to chat private msg me... I really know how your feeling but I do believe it will be worth it in the long run xx

Make a pregnancy ticker

What I wanted to say was "Prenatal Depression" and its understandable hunni, I wont go over what others have already said but please get help dont hide or isolate honestly poppitt there are many people out there who have gone through what you are going through... please please speak with your doctor. Sending you love, hugs and strength xxx
has anyone heard from Daisymay since she posted this? Am a bit concerned its been a few days since she posted this...Im going to check through forum to see if shes posted anything else and if one of you knows her please will you check on her
I feel the exact same... i am 32 weeks pregnant and feel no love for my baby at all... i feel so ashamed in myself... at the start i was happy but now i feel so upset all i do is cry and sleep... i wanted to do much more with my life... i wish i had got an abortion... this is so hard for me...
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While Pregnancyforum.co.uk tries to remain pro-choice on most subjects, out of respect for majority of our members that are either trying to conceive, or pregnant, we ask that you do not discuss topics on abortion and terminations.
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