I feel guilty!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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We have hardly spent anything at all having this baby and my second cousin who's granddaughter had a baby 9 months ago has given us 2 huge bags of clothes then last night we got:

a changing mat

top and tail bowl

Bottle and food warmer

Summer bath seat

and more clothes and pram sheets!!

Don't get me wrong i am soooo greatful for everything but i am starting to feel that my baby has practically nothing new except a few items of clothing i have bought.
Also i would really like to offer something for all of these things but i don't even know who to thank, my cousin or her granddaughter...i think my cousin bought most of it and it has come from her house.

I was thinking should i send some money or vouchers for their little boy, maybe then they could get him something to play with or new clothes, do you think that would be ok?
No dont be silly! I was given lots of things from friends and i also bought a fair bit at car boots (got a new cot and buggy though)

Trust me when i say your baby will not know any different. I have also found that Ollie prefers the cheaper second hand things to the other things i spent a bit of money on. I had a few people say the whole "i would buy everything new for my baby".. all i can say to them is "what a waste of money!". Your baby is in and out of clothes so quickly that half the items you get have never even been worn.

I think my OH and I bought just the right amount for Ollie. He is always well dressed but we stuck with just a few items which we rotate.

I really wouldnt worry about giving your friends and relatives money. I have passed on several items to a freind of mine and just knowing they will get more wear out of them is enough for me.

I say.. accept all you can!!

Claire x
Hiya :wave:

I have to agree with nori. We've got quite a bit of stuff secondhand, some stuff we've paid for and some has been gifted. It's nice to have a few special things new but it's not as if baby is going to know the difference. The way I see it is it's better to have some extra set by for after they are here. My sis and her hubby went mad getting everything new and branded and it's fair to say, they've overstretched themselves and bub isn't even here yet. That makes no sense to me. You can give anything you get secondhand a good clean up, some stuff has barely been used anyway. Most people who offer you baby items seem happy to be clearing space. You're probably doing them a favour.

Maybe just send a thank you card? That's what I've been doing x
Yeah, we've had loads of people kindly give us stuff, which I think is lovely as most of the things are hardly used - it seems such a waste to buy new stuff when others want to recycle theirs. I've sent thank you cards, and to those who gave us shed loads of stuff I've either bought a cheap outfit for their child, or have bought my friend some chocs and a couple of cheap accessories from Matalan!

I think baby won't know the difference
We have been given loads. Ive only bought the pram (which I got a great deal on ebay) a few basic sleep suits (when I was first pregnant and b4 people started giving us stuff) afew odd rattles and that from the charity shop and some pre loved outfits from girls on the forum. I have been given loads. I am very grateful and have taken everything offered. My OHs rents have also gone mad buying for him and its lovely that they want to get so involved. Hes very spoilt already bless him!
I've been feeling exactly the same.

I was given so much that all I have brought is nappies, muslin squares and a steriliser. I brought one pack of sleepsuits and have had so much given to me that's about all I needed to buy. The most expensive thing is the cotbed which was second and from a friend for £50.

The pram is being given to me although I felt I should buy one myself as i haven't brought much else. I don't know why I feel so guilty about it! I brought everything for my DD and this has turned out a very cheap baby compared to her. I guess I'll get over it though!
Thanks Girls.

I guess its because with my other boys i bought pretty much everything new myself, i know Noah won't have a clue and they stuff we have got is really nice stuff that i would of probably chosen myself anyway!

I am glad to be recycling though and hopefully i can do the same and pass things on again once i have used them :D

Maybe its this recession that has made us go back to the old ways of passing things about, i suppose thats how it should be!

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